Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Guild Race Description said 21 minutes. It gave our guild 9 mins to complete the Rush, not everyone was able to finish the race on 11/7.
Made an in-game report and submitted a ticket. Last time, I submitted a guild mission error I was told there was no system in place to verify what happened. So, I recorded a video which is listed below and I made a support ticket which reference the video.

Ticket Response From Anet first GM Summary:
I was asked to make an in-game report, to make a forum posting for the bug, and post screenshots.
I stated, I made an in-game bug report already and was it necessary to post on the forums when I already made a ticket. I asked, was the video I submitted looked at or was it necessary for me to post screenshots of the video? I stated, that I was unsure it would be helpful to have 3 reports 1) forums 2) in-game and 3) the ticket I made. I asked, would the guildies that were unable to complete the race will be reimbursed for the rewards (that was a shot in the dark)?

Ticket Response From Anet second GM Summary.
They told me it will take time for a bug fix, if it has been identified. Also, told me the important of submitting in-game bug reports.

This follow up response from them is what brought me to post on the forums.
I asked the following:
1) Was it necessary to post screenshots of the video, I made?
The GM did not respond to this.
2) Was my video even viewed?
The GM did not respond to this, I noticed the view count for the video has remained unchanged.
3) I stated that, I did an in-game report first before making a ticket.
The GM did not respond to this, instead informed on the importance of making an in-game report. After, years of being on the forums, I know the importance of sending an in-game report that is why I sent one (I did not respond with this sentence).
4) Will guildies who did not finish the Guild Rush due to the bug be reimbursed.
The GM did not respond, to be fair, I only expected 1/4 response to this question.

In the past, I was told the information could not be verified for the mission even though I sent an in-game report in. Still I submitted an in-game report and created a video showing what happen. Instead of commenting on this, I was sent a basic response stating the importance of sending an in-game report after I told them I sent one in. So finally impression is, I feel the issue was ignored or redirected by the second GM. It was almost as if only my first two sentences were read and all 4 questions were ignored. I understand, if anyone does not feel the same.

Lastly, I did not want to make a forum post and handle the issue in a ticket privately. But since the original GM told me too and the second one did not address my questions, this post was made.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Guild Race Description said 21 minutes. It gave our guild 9 mins to complete the Rush, not everyone was able to finish the race on 11/7.

I left one part out, I told them I had the full video of me pressing the Launch mission button with the description that said 21 mins. I could upload that video if it would help, the GM also did not respond to that statement. Which caused me to feel further ignored.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andraus.3874


If it’s already been identified then they may not need more information. Most likely they already know what’s going on but that doesn’t mean a couple clicks and it’s fixed. It seems like they already know what the bug is and what it does so more info isn’t needed.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


If it’s already been identified then they may not need more information. Most likely they already know what’s going on but that doesn’t mean a couple clicks and it’s fixed. It seems like they already know what the bug is and what it does so more info isn’t needed.

True but they never said a bug has been identified. Or if the 21 minute description is accurate or inaccurate. The only thing the GM has really stated was to submit an in-game report, post on the forums, and take screenshots.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Delwar.4201


You aren’t the only one with the issue. Our guild had the same issue with this race and puzzle.

Our guild got 11min while another guild got 16min !

Commander of Sentinels of Melandru

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rongy.2569


When you click “Launch Guild Rush” it already starts the timer, even without planting the flag at the beginning of the Rush. With the new system change of having to do this, you need to gather all at the start then click launch AND interact with the start location to get the full time, otherwise the timer will go off the time remaining in the guild panel from when you clicked “Launch”.

If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.

Stalker Ryc
Eternal Phalanx [EPX] | Co-Leader

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


When you click “Launch Guild Rush” it already starts the timer, even without planting the flag at the beginning of the Rush. With the new system change of having to do this, you need to gather all at the start then click launch AND interact with the start location to get the full time, otherwise the timer will go off the time remaining in the guild panel from when you clicked “Launch”.

If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.

It would be great if there was a warning message that stated, the mission clock will start counting down even when your guild is not present. Also, the “Accept Completion” message did not appear for us when we helped other guilds with their Guild Rush. People have stated that after HoT, Anet disabled the ability for another guild to get credit during Guild Rush.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rongy.2569


When you click “Launch Guild Rush” it already starts the timer, even without planting the flag at the beginning of the Rush. With the new system change of having to do this, you need to gather all at the start then click launch AND interact with the start location to get the full time, otherwise the timer will go off the time remaining in the guild panel from when you clicked “Launch”.

If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.

It would be great if there was a warning message that stated, the mission clock will start counting down even when your guild is not present. Also, the “Accept Completion” message did not appear for us when we helped other guilds with their Guild Rush. People have stated that after HoT, Anet disabled the ability for another guild to get credit during Guild Rush.

Yeah Anet do need to add a warning system or somehow configure it to start when interacting with the start location like the old way.

For “Accepting Completion” that has worked at the start of HoT for us, but could have broken in the past week or so, haven’t ran into other guilds doing it at the same time as mine.

Stalker Ryc
Eternal Phalanx [EPX] | Co-Leader

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.

It would be great if there was a warning message that stated, the mission clock will start counting down even when your guild is not present. People have stated that after HoT, Anet disabled the ability for another guild to get credit during Guild Rush.

Yeah Anet do need to add a warning system or somehow configure it to start when interacting with the start location like the old way.

For “Accepting Completion” that has worked at the start of HoT for us, but could have broken in the past week or so, haven’t ran into other guilds doing it at the same time as mine.

Good idea, I hope the “Accepting Completion” feature is broken and not removed.

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elunarie.9283


Just a note that the helper GMs who take in the tickets may not have looked at the video themselves because they are not the one who will fix the problem, just taking in the information and passing it to the programmers. No worries, they are aware of the problems.. just look at the massive list of issues (everything from personal story bugs to skill bugs) and remember they are people too.

// Bathea Havocbringer \\

Guild Rush Incorrect Time & GMs Response

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


just look at the massive list of issues (everything from personal story bugs to skill bugs) and remember they are people too.

Yup, never forgot they were people but it would be nice to send a response like a person. Not an automated or copy-paste response, the entire conversation can be summed up as:

Send an in-game report and post on the forums.
I sent an in-game report ask a few questions.
It is important to send an in-game report.
I go post on the forums, like the first GM recommended.

The responses weren’t like they came from a person but from an automated script. It seemed, any question that deviates from that script they were not allowed to address or comment on. So in essence, it was like talking to machine rather than a person. I don’t have a problem with talking to bots but I do have an issue when an employee seemingly ignores a customer. If the employee does not know the answer that’s fine by me. They can say, they’ll forward the ticket to the appropriate department or I’ll ask around. Any answer was better than re-stating what the first GM said about sending an in-game report (after I said, I’ve submitted an in-game report).

However, I’m not really focus on customer service but more concern about the Guild Mission system. There is a large discrepancy with the old Guild Mission system and the current implementation. We won’t be the only guild that believes you can hit “launch mission” and have the timer starts when the flag is summoned. In the past, the mission timer would not start until the flag was summoned.

Edited: For typos.

(edited by reapex.8546)