Guild Rush Kick-Off bugged?

Guild Rush Kick-Off bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VowWoefist.8743


An officer selected a Guild Rush (Lornar’s Pass) to be run about 3 hours prior to when we were going to run it. If you come across the START point on the map it explicitly states that only an Officer can activate the Rush. Another guild kicked this off, and apparently someone from our Guild activated it, and of course we received a “Failed Guild Rush” notification.

So, we pushed through another Guild Rush (Southsun Cove – YAY!), and we had a non-officer activate the Rush at the start point. Thus, proving that the Rush can be started by anyone in the Guild.

Something is not right with this scenario, and wanted to know if this is working as intended (and the wording needs to be updated) or if something is broken. Overall, we enjoy the Guild Missions, but some additional communication as to how they function, especially across guilds running at similar times, etc would be helpful. An additional sub-forum would be useful too.

Thank You for your time.

Guild Rush Kick-Off bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Thank you VowWoefist. I wanted to participate in the guild rushes and was extremely disappointed this occurred. We not only had to kick off a different guild rush, but lost the influence we used for the one that failed.

It is extremely disappointing that this is bugged.