(edited by lynspottery.6529)
Guild Rush - bug?
Can a dev or moderator please look into this issue?
A more likely scenario is someone in your guild saw the other guild coming, and activated the flag along with that guild. It happened to us last Saturday.
No that is not what happened. I was standing right there and saw the other guild come running up to the flag point.
Our guild leader was right next to me and was as surprised as I was and was dismayed because he purposely made the announcement in mumble to our group that we needed to get started since our timer just got triggered by the other guild starting their run.
last sunday we had a similar situation, another guild was running the same guild rush. Our timer never got activated tho (we arrived 1-2 min after the other guild activated the rush). Still our Missions tab said 5 hours and no one could interact with the flag at the rush to start our own timer. we could only participate in the other guild’s rush.
after the other guild’s rush was completed everyone received a “do you want to accept rewards for this rush”, some of our members said yes, this completed the rush for us.
- Did the timer show up on the missions tab or was it in the top left hand “event notification” location?
- Did the rush display your guild’s flag or the other guild?
(edited by sarah.3617)
I think, that for Arenanet need better testing people or test server for players. Because this is a very serious bugs.
Can someone please look into this?