Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sarah.3617


ok so this is a bit complicated, but i think something needs to be done to fix this issue

My Guild activated a guild rush (spiders), upon locating the guild rush it was already activated by another guild. Their rush was in progress, some of my guild members ran through the other guild’s rush.

After the other guild’s rush was completed, everyone in my guild was prompted with a dialog box about accepting rewards for rush. Since no-one understood exactly what that meant, it was accepted. *Note, EVERYONE in the guild, regardless of rank receives this message.

After the reward was accepted our Rush was complete and we received merits.

Because we weren’t really prepared for our rush to end so soon, some guild members did not finish the rush. I activated another rush(spiders) after merits were rewarded from the first rush and we no longer had any mission activated in the mission tab.

Every member that had not completed a rush attempted to complete this new rush, none of these members received personal rewards after getting to the finish line.

Many members attempted it again and again just to make sure they didn’t miss a flag . *they were able to get the in-world chest.

Potential issue:
We noticed that “guild Rush Complete” showed up in guild chat 4-5 min after the 1st guild rush was compete.

Are we supposed to wait for failure/complete message before activating another mission?

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


We had the exact same thing happen on ours the other night. We did the chicken run and about 1/2 hour prior to our own kickoff, another guild came by and kicked theirs off. This started our timer as well.

No one understood what was happening so we rushed to complete it as well as we could. A lot of our members missed out because of the timing so did not get to participate.

I do not understand why there is this “Global” kick off. Does not help us and because of lack of adequate information about this particular action cross over, we were totally unprepared for it.

So what happens if a few click that accept and a others do not? What happens then? I personally did not even notice I was being offered the option since I ran it and just accepted it when it popped.

Our guild events leader happened to mention this possibility but we were totally unsure and unprepared for this odd occurrence.

Question is: what happens if we don’t accept it and try to kick it off later? Will it actually work or will it be unresponsive due to another guild completing it before us?

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sarah.3617


yeah this is plain confusing… there isn’t adequate documentation on how these rushes work.

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sevenix.4508


Two days in a row now I finished a Guild Rush, being able top open the in-world chest at the end of it.

Still haven’t received a single personal reward.

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyops.5894


I’ve had this happen to several of my guild members, on the devourer guild rush and on the southsun one.

They complete the guild rush but the counter does not increment and they get no personal reward. I had the log out and back in, still no reward after completing a second time. Neither had participated in an earlier guild rush.

NSP Why bother?….

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sarah.3617


hmmm on our second attempt our counter increased and we finished it successfully… just no rewards received :/

Guild Rush bug - no personal rewards received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyops.5894


This time it happened to me, completed the guild rush, when I went through the last gate the counter did not increment and I didnt get a reward. Need some attention on this issue. It’s a factor for guild engagement in these missions.

NSP Why bother?….