Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sucuri.5348


I am a guild leader, and I qued up Research Architecture Rank 2. It even says I did in the history, the game even removed 1000 influance from my ballance. Well I look today to see how much time is left… It was no longer qued, influance was still spent, and it is back on the list wanting 1000 more to re que.

I am a small guild of some close friends. We do not have influance coming in very fast at all. Is it possible to get back to 1000 influance that I was charged for? or re add Research Architecture Rank 2 back to my que? It has 1 day 8 hours left to go on it.

and no, no one else has the power to cancel or add things to the que. I sure did not do it >< (my account is also under my sole controll)


Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sucuri.5348


Either fixed itself, or you guys are crazy fast. It is now back in que lol


Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Natalie.5328


Just want to chime in and say that this is a reoccurring issue for me. Sometimes I will be able to see my queue and other times it will have disappeared. Logging onto other characters in the same guild sometimes “fixes” it, but other times it’ll still be gone.

Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sucuri.5348


Yea, I just noticed its gone again. but it seems like it is still counting down even if it is not there on the list at least. Really kinda weird. As long as I get what I paid for with the influance I am happy, even if I never see it in the que lol

Guild Upgrade Que, missing?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

I have noticed errant changes in the guild panel as well. Most likely A-net tweeking things. Most of the time the disappearance does not last very long.

Dagrin – Master of the downed state