Guild Upgrades tab completely messed up
We have this bug too. We decided to hold off on doing our usual upgrades even because when we try to build anything, it doesn’t take influence or merits, and it’s instantly built. Hope this gets fixed, lots of people might be exploiting it.
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
We have this bug too. We decided to hold off on doing our usual upgrades even because when we try to build anything, it doesn’t take influence or merits, and it’s instantly built. Hope this gets fixed, lots of people might be exploiting it.
This , we noticed our guild cats build instantly. a quick fix would be nice since we need to que stuff and we dont want to be exploiting this.
My guild has a mostly similar issue. When i logged in i noted that all of the upgrades we had queued were all completed, which caused me to look further in to the upgrades panel. Every upgrade that was queued completed after about three seconds and completed without draining supply as a speed up normally does. Someone queued contract asuran outsourcing and activated it, and with three upgrades all queued at the same time, they all froze at 00:00 time remaining and would not complete. Now all of our upgrades (completed or queued before or after the patch) are now missing, despite having a large amount of time remaining.
Edit: I submitted a bug report on this as well, about 15 minutes before i read this thread.
Same happened with my guild.
Also, activated some boosts we had already done, and now they’ve completely vanished. Looks like a few days worth of building, has gone to waste.
I have same problem
I had 10% event influence, 10% Magic Find buff, 5% kill Exp buff activated and running with more than 10h left for each.
When I queued another 10% event influence, 5% kill Exp buff. They instantly finished and overwrite the current running buff. Now there’s no buff running (there were 3). They’re only available to be activate again.
Please fix
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
Same here, we had some serious things going on, like Economy and Politics VI suddenly done, afterwards Trove to check also. We don’t want to use exploit, but having empty que is painful especially when guild is still growing on important upgrades like these above. Please, fix asap
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
Yeah I had a ton of things queued as I normally do to max out upgrades at any given time, and things just chunk-chunk-chunk completed in seconds. This is definitely a bug, and needs to be fixed ASAP.
Same. I set up upgrades (including the new guild world events unlock). Then I went AFK. Came back 30 min later and they were all finished. The upgrades that I had activated were no longer activated. Whenever we queue an upgrade it finishes instantly. Really nice, but clearly a bug we don’t wanna exploit. xD For now we just put back up our buffs and are waiting on a fix.
Guild Leader of [CaLM] Before the Storm