Guild chat
On a beta character?
Nope not on Beta character
I just logged in, and friends immediately warned me about guild and party chats randomly breaking. Not beta chars, because none of them even own HoT.
They did mention that relogging was the only way they’ve found to fix it.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
our guild chat after 2nd patch today won’t work either. relog and it’s back for a few minutes then happens again and have to relog.
Same as before.
Go to Offline, Restart the client, Log back in and go back to online. Should work then
Legendary Jr – Engineer
Member of Cube on Piken
If you’re in a party, you’ll likely need to /leave to fix it. In addition to relogging, that is.
After party chat stopped working, we relogged to find ourselves no longer in a party. But none of us could rejoin, because the game was telling us that the we were all still in another party.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
Relogging actually helps on both. Solving Guild chat and the party bug
Legendary Jr – Engineer
Member of Cube on Piken
except it comes back after relog unfortunately