Guild stash deleted my 15 slot invis pack

Guild stash deleted my 15 slot invis pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowKatt.6804


I deposited a 15 slot invisible leather pack into the 50 slot guild stash, and when I tried to retrieve it with another character, it disappeared when I dragged it from the stash to my inventory. the 15 slot rugged leather pack I transferred at the same time, made it fine.

And now that slot that the invis pack was in is un-useable. I can’t put anything in it, either from my pack, or even trying to move something already in the stash into that slot…. it will not allow anything to be put there.

I tried logging off and back, and even did the -repair shortcut and it verified the game files… still can’t use that slot.

I made an in-game bug report, but thought I would post here also to see if anyone else encounters this problem. And see if I could get any kind of response here.. the in game bug report says they won’t reply to the reports… which raises the question, what recourse do we have when the game deletes something? Are we just totally SOL?

I’m just glad I didn’t finally give in and make a 20 slot bag, costing 10 kitten gold.. wow, if the stash ate THAT I would super kittened off.

Guild stash deleted my 15 slot invis pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowKatt.6804


Ok… I don’t know why, but when I switched back to the character who originally tried to withdraw the pack and it disappeared, it is now in my inventory, and the guild stash slot is useable again.. (the slot was still un-useable for the character who deposited the pack, when I tried moving things around in the stash moments before)

So, just to be clear… this was after doing the -repair, I had logged in with the depositing character and the slot was still un-useable, but then logging in with the character that removed it, it was now in my inventory and the stash slot is useable again

Guild stash deleted my 15 slot invis pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

This happens from time to time. No need to -repair. For some reason, the items get ‘lost’ temporarily, but show back up after some time passes – a few minutes to a few days.