Guildhall donate with empty bag slot(s)

Guildhall donate with empty bag slot(s)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mjt.7063


If you have items that could be donated to the guildhall treasurer BUT the item(s) are in a bag that is preceded by an empty bag slot then that item or thoose items do not appear as an item(s) that can be donated to the guildhall.

Yesterday I couldn’t donate a ley-line infused tool and sent it to another guild member.

Today I had some Silverwaste shovels and they didn’t appear. Slots usage was 1-2 and 7-8 had bags, shovels were in 3rd bag in slot 7.

I moved them into a the slot 2 bag. They appeared in the donate window. Moved them back and they didn’t appear.

Moved bags from slots 7-8 to 3-4 respectively (shovels now in slot 3 bag). The shovels appeared in the donate window.

Swapped 3 & 4. Shovels still appeared.

Moved bag from slot 4 to 5 (empty slot). The shovels didn’t appear.

The above is based upon the limited testing as described above. The assumption has been made that this affects all items that can be donated.