

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oldthrashbar.6894


I couldn’t find the right section to report this in. But surely its a bug that there is no report feature for hackers? I’ve seen warriors teleporting and running twice as fast as me. When I’m sure that I’m running the fastest speed possible by normal methods outside of minigames/ hacking. The warriors I’ve seen did not have any run speed buffs on I could see. And I was not in combat. The point is.. as far as I know, no would should be able to run faster than from what I understand is the maximum fastest run speed. Surely I’m seeing someone using a third party program? Shouldn’t there be a option to report these offences in the report menu?

I’m basing the whole run speed thing on the fact that I’m a ranger running with signet of the hunt and run speed buff from horn.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


Warriors can move pretty quick with their Bull’s Charge, greatsword 5, greatsword 3, sword 2, and I think the shield 4 as well. Between all that, they can cover an insane amount of ground in about 10 seconds. It’s like dashing 5 times in a row.

When I’m on my warrior, I can go the same distance as my ranger & guardian friends in about half the time if I really try and utilize all the different skills at my disposal.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

If you’re absolutely sure a player is modifying the game client, you’d be best off reporting them for botting, or at least that’s what I’ve been led to believe.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oldthrashbar.6894


Thanks for the comment Aether. But he was just running. Not using any skills. He had a rifle equipped so it wasn’t the melee run boost or whatever. And besides. The melee run speed bonus wouldn’t make him twice as fast as a ranger anyway. In fact, he would still be slower. I looked carefully at his active buffs before I started making assumptions that he was hacking.

@ Da Sonic, I had thought about doing that. But at the bottom of the report menu there is a warning saying they’ll ban you for reporting people without proper evidence being in the chat logs or whatever. I saw no way of acquiring that evidence as a cheater will never be stupid enough to admit to it in game.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FKwrong.9104


i’ve seen that thing with teleporting…
last week’s wvw against ehmry bay, had 3 of them running exactly same path, likely led by a player, don’t know what calss, followed by a warrior and an engie(supposedly bots). They were moving at about 150% normal speed, teleporting forward every few ‘ingame yards’. I managed to attack the last one, and guess what, my speed reduced due to entering the combat, his didn’t.. so it took me about 3 minutes of chasing that bot, constantly using Shortbow5 on thief to catch up, he didn’t do anything, just ran exactly same path those two ahead of him, jumping where they did, shifting where they did until he eventually got downed. Didn’t do anything even then, just kept trying to channel Downed4


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

@ Da Sonic, I had thought about doing that. But at the bottom of the report menu there is a warning saying they’ll ban you for reporting people without proper evidence being in the chat logs or whatever. I saw no way of acquiring that evidence as a cheater will never be stupid enough to admit to it in game.

Specifically the reason I mention it is because while that warning is there, it also says “GMs may conduct a careful review of that player’s behavior. If it is confirmed that the player has beeen running a bot, that player’s account will be banned.”

That leads me to believe that they don’t only check chat logs for botting reports.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oldthrashbar.6894


@Da Sonic That makes sense. I’ll give it a try next time. But I had just assumed they would only observe to see if he was botting. If they just saw him running around town they probably would just move onto the next report.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


They also check the gemstore tab for the player. And if he has a commander tag. Those are free passes for using macros.
My experience: I was chatting with a very famous SFR commander, when he spilled a long serie of apparently random letters and numbers. I asked about him, and he admitted, just like nothing, that it was a MACRO. An attack routine. For those of you that don’t know the official Arenanet policy about macros, it’s resumed in: one key on the macro can only do one command in the game (a keystroke for a keystroke). This guy had a macro doing automatized routines. I screenshotted it, sent a mail to Arenanet. Automessage: we find this not to violate the code of conduct. I insist, wtf else do you need? This guy is flagrantry cheating according to your own policy! Automessage: we reviewed and we don’t find proof that there is any violation bla bla.
Tl;dr? Buy a commander tag, then you can macro to cheat and bot as much as you want.