

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charons.6037


Already posted this topic under “Wvw discussion” but I guess this one has far more visibility, so I’ll post it here as well. Sorry for the double post in advance.

Ok this happened just now, on Piken part of EB, was running around and came across one of those stunblock warriors. So i managed to reach a nearby tower and man one of the arrow carts there to shoo they guy away while he was randomly trying to kill the guards there. Strangely, he didn’t move out of AC range. Good for me i figured. So when he was low on hp, i jumped out of the tower and tried to finish whatever hp he had left, when he jumped off the cliff… Ok this is the part where i waited in anticipation to get the loot from his body that is now lying dead at the bottom of the (very high) cliff next to Mendon’s tower. That didn’t happen, the guy came back at me in like 5 seconds with full health and i was forced to retreat back to the tower.

I know some people might dismiss this due to lagg issues, as did I at first, but this wasn’t at the least bit the thing that brought me here.

I manned the AC again and the same thing happened, he started attacking the guards, staying in range, but now when the guard died he came very close to the wall, and jumped hilariously over the entire thing and was now inside it. In all my shock and trying to get away from the crazy hack guy, sadly, I didn’t take a screenshot of that feat. He jumped down out of the tower shortly when more NPCs and me attacked him both.

To my supprise, another guy was there after he fell. In a series of weird sequenced attacks we tried to kill this guy, with now each time him porting away from us in a fashion that looked a lot like him lagging, but the both of us staying in his previous spot at the meantime. He gets low on hp, he runs away, leaves combat, and we catch up to him and try to kill him again. Every single time he got away with as much as 10% health. When we chased him down to the site near Speldan i think he finally decided it was enough and just disappeared (maybe even ported away when out of combat), leaving my brave companion and me dazzled at what just had happened.

I don’t even know what to say to all this, I didn’t take any screenshots of the encounter, and honestly, even if i did, they would prove little. I was only able to try to report him, but “hacking” wasn’t an option so i choose “botting”, for which i am sure i might get some negative feedback, but hey, after all that happened just now, i am pretty sure i am not the one that should be under watch… The guy was from Riverside [DE] server, that’s all I could see.

Not sure if any of this helps, but things like these really don’t belong in the game, and least of all in the competitive part of the game.


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Posted by: Hitman.5829


The cheating has been there for a long time, Anet does nothing against it, there is no way to detect cheaters, that is why more and more are opting for cheats.


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Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Yeah, ANet really needs an Anti-Cheat. Recently I’ve noticed a pretty rapid increase in hackers. :\ But still, Concidering we don’t have any protection against them they’re quite rare. Imagine if Call of Duty didn’t have any anti-cheat… It would be impossible to play without an aimbot. xD


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Posted by: Vick.6805


Yeah, the supply dolys have been hacking too, teleporting all over the place.

Seriously, though, I think the severe server lag is also part of the problem, compounding the fact that occasionally people do cheat.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spork.2375


The cheating has been there for a long time, Anet does nothing against it, there is no way to detect cheaters, that is why more and more are opting for cheats.

Don’t say uninformed things like that please. There are plenty of server side validations that Anet is missing. Movement checks that monitor distance traveled vs speed vs skills/items used in the last x seconds (to accommodate portals, blast jumps, etc). A lot of debugging and live monitoring would be needed before they were put in so they catch as few false positives as possible. But it’s totally doable.

From what I’ve read, no endurance server side checks. Can’t validate because I’m not risking getting banned by loading up a cheat program.

If they aren’t controlling cooldowns for things like downed skills server side (they don’t have to broadcast to client, just have the server keep track of them and deny if a player attempts to use while it’s in cooldown serverside), then that’s another failure and sounds like what happened with this guy and how the warrior got up so fast.

Noclip can be tracked by having the server flag characters that repeatedly go through geodata bounds. No automatic ban but a GM can follow them and verify cheating is happening.

There’s lots of other ways that don’t add overhead to cpu time on the server that they seem to be missing as well.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charons.6037


Well, I know it’s hard to keep track of these situations, and like i said, this is the first time I’ve seen this happen. I thought that maybe they could use the report, I am pretty sure they store those somewhere, and see what was really happening themselves. The most troubling thing is the wall jumping, I really didn’t know what to think when i saw that happen, and it’s why I’d like to see them do something about this.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Best thing you can do next time you see something like that is select the player and right click > report. That way ANet knows exactly which player to investigate.

They do have ways to tracking stuff like this, and they have banned people for using third party hack software in the past (according to their own posts).

I would think the reason they don’t publicize it is that they don’t want more of the playerbase to even know those third party programs exist.