Halloween 2012 and 2014 achievements
I haven’t noticed any AP missing for me but I noticed those achievements aren’t showing in the history in achievement panel.
One week of patches and these achievements are still gone
I can confirm this bug, I also lost my Halloween achievements from 2012 and 2014. It’s around 200 AP and it was hard work to get them all, so please give a statement on this.
I have the same problem. Really hoping they fix this soon.
I have the same bug. I lost all the points i have working for.
We have invested a lot of time.
= 2012 = 116 Points
= 2013 = is still there
= 2014 = 124 Points
Someone lost more points ?
My achievements are lost too…why?
None of us should have lost any AP, but nonetheless, a big part of making sure you do all the achievements, is to be able to go back and look at them to remember the fun you had. I sure would hate to see them being gone. It’s a journal of sorts.
Seafarer’s Rest
Before i had more than 18000 points. With HoT i lost my Helloweenachievements too. Now: 17979 … and i got WvW Points !
I have the same problems
I also lost my Halloween achievements from past
I can´t find them anymore… same bug too…
(edited by Meister Kawumm.8421)
I should have the same problem. I have no idea, if I lost AP through this or not.
And I have no idea what I might have lost, too. ^^
I have the same bug. I lost all the points i have working for.
We have invested a lot of time.= 2012 = 116 Points
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_of_the_Mad_King_%28achievements%29= 2013 = is still there
= 2014 = 124 Points
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_and_Madness_%282014_achievements%29Someone lost more points ?
240 points is quite a lot
Same here. I’m not sure about the points, but achievements themselves are missing from the hero panel UI.
Same here. I’m not sure about the points, but achievements themselves are missing from the hero panel UI.
I am 99% sure the points are missing too
I just checked it and I’m missing those achievement categories in the history section as well… not sure if I’m missing the achievement points though :/
It would be great, if we could get a dev response on this subject… so we know that we didn’t lose all our previous Halloween achievements.
Representing: [ZoS] Zealots of Shiverpeak -Main guild on NSP
Leader of [TZ] Raiders of the Lost Temples -Temple Zerg
New patch and they are still missing.
On top of that the ones from 2015 are also missing now (no AP lost this time).
Would really appreaciate a dev comment in here
[Collection] Wardrobe/Skin Bugs & Anomalies
Would really appreaciate a dev comment in here
I hope they are working on it, but it is weird that they remove Halloween 2015 without fixing this bug.
Alright, this is where I lost so many AP ! I was wondering what was the issue. Please fix this, I lost a lot of AP, I would really like them back
I see I only have the Blood and Madness (historical 2013) achievement, where did all the other Halloween achievements go ?
(edited by malevolence.9487)
The problem is, many people did not notice they lost Achievement Points, because at the same time they got a lot more AP for the WvW achievements.
I am still hoping we can get the achievements back and that they did not get deleted completely.
I lost my AP on the day of release too. Without sounding rude ANET, you took away AP I mistakenly gained due to that GWAMM bug, so its only fair that you to give these ones back due to your error.
I’m an AP hunter and it’s pretty crappy that this happened, I hope it wasn’t intentional. I love my AP.
Me too ;/ I lost 44 AP after launch HoT and in Historical missing Halloween 2014 and 2015. Give it back pls !! ;(
i to am missing the achievement history of this event Halloween 2012 and 2014 …i don’t know if i am mission achievement points because i do not know what it was before hot. I kinda hope i am because that would mean i would b up to 10k by now.
Game Designer
Hey guys! We have identified this issue and are preparing a fix for it. Your achievements are intact, they were just erroneously flagged to hide and the points not be counted towards the total.
Hey guys! We have identified this issue and are preparing a fix for it. Your achievements are intact, they were just erroneously flagged to hide and the points not be counted towards the total.
Thanks for the update Linsey!
Hey guys! We have identified this issue and are preparing a fix for it. Your achievements are intact, they were just erroneously flagged to hide and the points not be counted towards the total.
Nice to hear that.
So we’re going to have back our APs on the 17th?
I hope they’ll be back, I had every last point, even maxed out the repeatable ones.
Please also check Wintersday achievements, as I think the same thing may have happened there
Any ETA on this please? I don’t think I had mine back yet so this might still be a bug.
any update for that achievement ?