Harpoon Master not counting kills

Harpoon Master not counting kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

I am 496/500 for Harpoon Master and figured I would just wanted to get it off my list of “Nearly Completed”…

I tried on my ranger, with harpoon… a lot of the attacks cause bleeding, and since the “last tick” is all that is counted for the kills (great design WTF!!!)… Figured, after about 50 tries to check my other characters, remembering Thief also used harpoon….

I got on my Thief, and used only Skill 2, “Deluge” – Fire four shots at your foe. Damage and no conditions….

After about 20 kills I realized it still isn’t counting… and that this is a bug….

I did not try any other “Master killing” to see if they are broken, but I would assume others are as well…

Harpoon Master not counting kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It’s a visual/display bug. Harpoon Master requires kills with the spear.
A harpoon is a spear like weapon used for killing things in water so that isn’t exactly wrong but it is needlessly confusing in the context of Guild Wars 2.

Harpoon Master not counting kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

I just verified, you are correct….

“Speargun Master” = Spear gun or Harpoon
“Harpoon Master” = Spear
“Trident Master” = Trident

Why after almost 2 years is this not fixed? how hard is it to take out 7 letters and insert 5 letters to make this “Master” make sense and be correct???