Harvesting nodes out of whack

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I had made new character awhile ago and have logged about 67 hours into it. I made this specific character to develop the weapon/armorsmith skills. Over the past week I have been running around the norn zones lvl 1-40ish killing and collecting materials to further develop my crafting skills. Despite the drops being infrequent, I could always rely on harvesting metal ore since I need so much it. I could clear a zone of ore, go to another map do the same and return to the original map and rinse and repeat for as long as I needed those materials to work with.

As of the update I have noticed that many ore nodes have been either moved or just not appearing in the places they normally were. I thought possibly some nodes were moved to change things up and that didn`t bother me. Now it just takes longer to get what I need. I also notice after you clear an area of ore, that the ore is not respawning. I can do an area, come back in an hour and the ore is still not there. I have seen this is the norn starting map, the lowlands, and the 15-30ish artic style zones.

I am unsure if this is intentional or a bug and since I didn`t see anything in the update notes regarding nodes I wanted it to be brought to attention.

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pie Formation.8196

Pie Formation.8196

Nodes seem to have set locations where they can appear, and will appear randomly in some, but not all, of those locations every time the server resets. So any new build will cause them to be in new positions. This is normal.

Each node also has a set respawn time based on its type. Orichalcum, for example, has a longer respawn time than mithril, and rich nodes have longer respawns than normal ones.

Miyazawa Kengo — Nefarious Mushroom Plan [gasp] — Stormbluff Isle
“Come! Break your weapons upon me!”

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Booler.6598


Its all intentional , i also think there is an underlying reason surrounding bots being able to farm the nodes by recording where they have been previously and obviously going back to that spot to regather, by changing things up this avoids some of this. and im also sure they will be messing around with node respawn times in conjunction with the tp. as from personal experience my nodes move a lot and at different spawn times , mostly the same but at patches updates things change

Always in all ways

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


Normally copper and iron don`t take so long to respawn. I can run through the norn starter area and only find like 1-2 copper nodes. I can come back an hour later and the area is still void of metal nodes. Trees and vegetation seem to be respawning normally since I am seeing them everywhere when I return to zones. But the lack of ore after half a day of play had lead me to make this post.

I think it would be hard to track bots when every person normally harvests everything. I gather it all, lumber, ore and roots. I use the ore and lumber for crafting but just bank all the food until i get a decent amount of something then I`ll sell it.

Now if the wanna find the bots. You can find them in the one artic zone that has the animal cages you can port into to fight. Yesterday i saw about half a dozen warriors or guardians all running in a perfectly straight single file line like they had autofollow engaged and every single one of them had the same exact gear on down to the dye on the armor. And they all had jackhole names that didn`t make any sense.

(edited by Banewrath.5107)

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Booler.6598


rgr . prehaps there are issues with this area . Anet?

Always in all ways

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Nodes randomize after each server reset and, I believe, reset after 6 hours is what I have read. They will stay in that location until the next reset I believe.

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arquillius.8379


Oh wow, seriously? That’s why i couldn’t find the harvest nodes in Orr? kitten. Now i have to hunt down a good spot again.

Harvesting nodes out of whack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


Yeah I see the randomizing they have. It really throws you off because some nodes are untouched and in the same spot while almost an entire grid of the map that was plentiful is now empty. I tested the starter area and found that the nodes are respawning after you track down where the new locations are. The ramdomizing is so dramatic I thought it was bugged.