Healers Retribution - small bug(?)
I think it’s from the trap, I tried activating the trap no retal,
I also tried shelter healing skill I Gained fury retal and might.
It’s because it’s a trap skill, but it is a HEALL SKILL so it should essentially work the same way for my setup.
Please check over this, thanks.
The trap might need to be triggered for it to work.
The trap might need to be triggered for it to work.
-Thanks for your reply.
Me: “I tried activating the trap no retal” – maybe I wasn’t clear enough or didn’t word it correctly
but I just re-tested the trait with the DH Healing (skill) Trap, – NO Retal on heal skill use, NO Retal upon Heal Trap Trigger.
I Tried, letting the enemy walk into the trap to see if it would trigger/activate the retal, – it didn’t work.
I Tried activating the heal trap on an enemy for instant trap trigger, – It (The trait)-did not work.