Healing Signet Constantly Activates Underwater

Healing Signet Constantly Activates Underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paks.5289


Since yesterday’s update whenever I go underwater my healing signet will activate.
After cooldown it will activate again constantly while underwater.
When I am on land again, it will stop activating.
It is a minor annoyance, but I would like to activate healing signet when I need it.

Is this a new feature, bug?
I am a level 54 Guardian if that makes a difference.
Is anyone else having this issue?

This is my first bug post – Thanks for a great game.

Healing Signet Constantly Activates Underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Just to be sure, can you confirm that it doesn’t have the “White Box” around it, showing it is on “auto”? Can you provide a screenshot of your skillbar while underwater? You might try “Ctrl + right click”ing your primary skill 1 auto attack?

Healing Signet Constantly Activates Underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paks.5289


Thanks, Prophet

Boy do I feel dumb. That is exactly what it was.
I never change my auto attack from “1”, but must have accidently clicked it.

Healing Signet Constantly Activates Underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Hah, happens to us all one time or another. Thanks for following up and glad it got squared away.