Healing Turret Bugs [Video proof]

Healing Turret Bugs [Video proof]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


I´m reporting both a bug and an odd behaviour on this post for the Engineer Healing Turret.

Bug: The Healing Turret overcharge is not affected by healing power.

Video proof.

The odd behaviour is something I think is not the intended behaviour for the healing turret which I’m bringing to Anet’s attention.

Odd behaviour: The problem here is with the Healing Turret ‘s cooldown. If the Healing Turret is either picked up, detonated or destroyed by an enemy, then the cooldown goes up to 20 (15 if picked up) seconds from the moment this event occured. So even if the Healing Turret had 1 second to go for the next heal, it goes up to 20 (15) seconds again making the total cooldown between heals go up considerably. This is an odd behaviour for me as it dismotivates the player from leaving the Healing Turret up and be used as a turret since it can be destroyed, severely affecting the player’s healing potential.

Video proof.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD