(edited by Moderator)
Hearing Player Shouts for Map
My warrior continues to say Health, Vigor, Recovery, every few seconds. It’s getting a tad bit annoying. I don’t know why I need to hear them say it, I can clearly see the buffs no problem.
Also I should say that I don’t mind listening to NPC voices and chatter but if I use the dialog sliders to mute myself it mutes everyone else. So now the game feels quiet and empty if I disable dialog cause I don’t want to hear my kitten character speak after few seconds.
The player voices are all bugged. They recycle every few seconds to let us know of buffs. It’s really annoying.
“Rally to me.” “Time to fight.” “Help me.” “Shake it off.” “Save yourselves.” “I can’t do this alone.”
Every few seconds…
That’s it, I’m turning the audio off.
This is pretty much all over, btw.
I also noticed that the lips of my character moved for shouts/buffs not actually coming from my character… Looks a bit strange on a female Asura when she moves her lips for a male Norn voice…
I keep getting the same issues. I’m hearing voices without anyone else around. Getting quite annoying.
I find it hilarious
It seems the bug makes us say things for anyone who is getting a buff nearby. So being in any city near the TP is a huge pain.
Battle crys, verbal boon and condition reactions, pet death/revival, calls for helps from low health and downed skill #4 etc. You can hear other players using these from clear across a map.
I find it hilarious
Yea… That really needs to be fixed…
a male charr warrior crossed my path and suddenly i heard the female human voiceclip “stand your ground”
i can’t remember laughing so hard about a guild wars 2 bug
This bug also existed pre patch but only in some places (e.g. swamp fractal at the beginning when Dessa was talking, my character moved her lips).
But now this is all over the place, please find that bug and fix it! (Even though I have to admit, it is kinda funny :-P)
It’s really making me paranoid. I feel like I’m being stalked.. creepy.. where are they! who is shouting at me! SHOW YOURSELVES!
Not sure if this is related at all, but I also noticed that some “event caller” npc’s will follow you around and wave at you but not say anything about the event they are trying to get help for until you interact with them.
Oh, thank goodness! I really thought I was going crazy for a moment there... XD
Annoying, but also hilarious if you watch your characters. Lots of "FRAPS’ captures going on, I suspect.
This is a funny bug, my Norn guardian said arise my creation in human male voice and need help here in female human voice.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
My poor Asura: (Charr voice) “FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!”
o.O Well that’s a new one.
My female human standing in Beetletun just shouted “For the Imperator!” — and I could swear it was in the female human voice. Though my male human in Queensdale shouted for help in a female human voice too.
Same here. I was playing my Elementalist (female human) a few minutes back and all I could here was random female human shouts for other classes. I was alone in the Dark Reverie JP at the time too.
This patch was delayed for QA testing, so it really makes me wonder just what the QA testers were doing during this time. Because, given the amount of pretty huge ‘staring you right in the face’ style bugs, they obviously weren’t testing the patches’ content for bugs.
I can attest to this as well happening.
Can confirm that this bug started since the recent patch was applied.
I am hearing the voices too
It’s really making me paranoid. :D I feel like I’m being stalked.. creepy.. where are they! who is shouting at me! SHOW YOURSELVES!
Hahaha ya that is hilarious xD Especially all that “Help me!” or “Retreat!!” and suddenly there is an invisible asura engi that places invisible turrets around you and your norn warrior says “CHARR DON’T NEED GODS” TuT
I’m having way too much fun right now.
I hope this is fixed soon.. Was trying to RP, but the random outbursts made me lose focus and both me and my friend just ended up quitting.
I thought I was the only one hearing voices! I had to check if this bug affected my alts & it did! Its so creepy when my toons are running around shouting buffs with another race’s voice & wondered where it was coming from.
Thank you all for this thread. I truly thought my account was haunted I mean, here I am, out in the middle of nowhere, not another character in sight, when I hear a male Charr bragging that his race has killed their Gods, male Asura engineers telling others they have built a turret, I hear Guardians hollering “Retreat.”
This has been happening to me since the new patch hit, and appears to be getting worse.
I am very glad I am not the only one this is happening to….confusion loves company
(edited by Julischka Bean.7491)
It’s really making me paranoid.
I feel like I’m being stalked.. creepy.. where are they! who is shouting at me! SHOW YOURSELVES!
Hahaha ya that is hilarious xD Especially all that “Help me!” or “Retreat!!” and suddenly there is an invisible asura engi that places invisible turrets around you and your norn warrior says “CHARR DON’T NEED GODS” TuT
I’m having way too much fun right now.
Yes, Yes, Yes…except my invisible Charr not only doesn’t need his Gods, he killed them!
And, yes, now that I know my account is not haunted, I can relax and enjoy the humor of it all.
Help my game is haunted too.
This is driving me crazy too. I’ve been searching to see how to disable and I’ve had no luck thus far
ArenaNet Communications Manager
I feel quite sure that the team is aware of this, but I’ll send an e-mail to confirm that they do. I also noted my character was unusually “chatty” tonight, and it seems this is happening to chars of various professions and races.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
As a temporary fix, can we consider replacing all player character soundbites with Traherne monologue?
Discover a new bit of Diessa Plateau? Prepare for a lecture about Claw Island!
(edited by Mokai.2480)
Yea… as much as I love the other racial voices and stuff… My female Charr should not be saying the human sound bytes nor should she sound like a male norn …. >.>
It’s also kinda perverse hearing my female Asura randomly say “somebody help me.” in a male voice while she’s running from point a to point b.
As a temporary fix, cant we consider replacing all player character soundbites with Traherne monologue?
“Commander, to me.”
You know you want it.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
This is driving me crazy too. I’ve been searching to see how to disable and I’ve had no luck thus far
You could try:
Options Menu [F11], then Sound Options, then slide the Voice Dialog option to the far left (off) position or to a volume level that suites you.
Keep in mind that this will reduce some relevant game dialog / voice content as well, so it is not a fix.
Bye and have fun out there.
At the same time these shouts have been “introduced” my beloved Job-o-Tron (?) backpack became silent. These bugs may be related in some way…no more “Boing” or “Faster Faster”….instead random shouts from anywhere…makes me sad!
Same issue here with the extreme chatty of player audio even not of my class.
Just happened 10 minutes ago. I use an elementalist – human. No one is near my character and i am at the cave – Genderran rich iron ore mountain.
I hear player shouts of all profession, male/female/race you name it.
I just heard “Go forth my minion.” – female voice.
Same issue here. No one near me, but my female character constantly shouts “need help here” and every other random stuf from all race/cast, sometimes in male voice. (!!!) Very annoying, please sort it out.
Same problem here, either its someone else’s character that is shouting when others are nearby or its my character when by myself.
It has gotten really bloody annoying quickly and I certainly hope they fix this soon.
This is pretty funny rooofl… but please fix XD
How the hell did this even pass QA? It was obvious after 2 seconds in wvw, how the hell do you miss such a thing?
My female Sylvari Ranger is talking like a Male Charr Engineer XD
Same here, I play human, and hear voices from all other races, not only charr.
I find it hilarious
Yep. The voice clips are coming from our own characters, not from other players. I noticed the same thing with my character: every time a voice clip played her mouth moved as if she was saying it.
I forgot what phrase it was but it’s kinda weird to hear a female Norn Guardian speak in a male Asura’s voice, or shouting “For great Justice!” in a male Charr’s voice.
I feel like there is a ventriloquist following me and I’m the dummy. It’s driving me crazy. Well, crazier then I already am. And just when I thought I couldn’t get more crazy.
I’m also Experiencing this too. However…
Now I know it’s playing other character’s sounds, I suddenly have found this EXTREMELY useful. Practically a feature as far as I’m concerned. Having perpetual intel on what other players are up to increases immersion for me and also lets me know how active a map is at any given point.
So can I please seriously propose that when this gets fixed, add a commandline switch to enable it for those so inclined?
I’d really appreciate that, thanks.
Just putting in a ME TOO..
get calls of buff in multiple voices randomly as well as revive calls from time to time when NO one is anywhere around .. the buff calls sometimes go off with no buffs actually going off from myself either with NO one there in the area
a bit annoying and I have taken to ignoring it as best I can of course this means players who might actually need help aren’t getting it
Please fix this too
I was a bit confused when I was in EB last night and I heard sick m… From my necro, and I was ready to fight a thief just by hearing that….
At the same time these shouts have been “introduced” my beloved Job-o-Tron (?) backpack became silent. These bugs may be related in some way…no more “Boing” or “Faster Faster”….instead random shouts from anywhere…makes me sad!
I’m getting worried my grawl impression isn’t improving as much as it should be.
I was hoping one advantage to the map shouts bug is that everyone would be able to hear job o tron no matter where they are on the map, but it seems that is not the case.