Heart and Minds [Final Story Step Bugs]
Would nice to know that someone is at least working on it. It’s pretty bad having to hope that the rifts spawns as intended in a lengthy fight like this.
This story instance is still bugged @ the Mordremoth fight.
I tried it 3 times today: the first two times, the vents that are supposed to help you get in the air to deploy the glider didn’t work (so I couldn’t make it to the second phase).
The third time, the vents finally worked, I got to the second phase, and after Mordremoth created the Forgal illusion the rift spawned in the empty space around the platform, and I couldn’t get to it.
Playing on Seafarer’s Rest
Ellen! Ellen! She’s our woman! Don’t vote Charr! Elect a Human!
i encountered 2 bugs today:
1) during eir’s fight, when she runs to res garm, someone quits the party mid-fight and she stops attacking.
2) during the final fight with mordremoth after wiping several times, mordremoth’s attacks from the various phases happens right from the beginning (even the aoe lighting attack during the last phase).
3) which then leads to another bug. when he summons rytlock, mordremoth drops to 25% health and activates the final phase, with rytlock still chasing you. i’ve had it happen to me before with caithe as well.
Had a couple of friends try this instance this weekend. Still a buggy mess
First time attempting the mission, we had to reset twice, and on the third one a rift spawned out in open air. I echo the “not going to try this again until it’s fixed,” this is WAY too frustrating.
After the patch, STILL bugged. Tried it today: Blighted Canach becomes permanently invulnerable when at 25% of his life bar, and its impossible to interact with normal Canach, who also doesn’t do anything. Shield doesn’t drop either.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I had this issue today, and ended up letting myself die, so I could try again. One thing I noticed in the first fight is that when Canach was just standing there (not using his shield), with the Blighted Canach stuck on invulnerable mode, his health was zero. I was on my Guardian/Dragonhunter and used Virtue of Resolve repeatedly to heal him, and he eventually started moving again, but never went back to use his shield.
When I did the second fight, I decided to actively heal Canach throughout the battle, just in case that was related somehow. I can’t say whether that is what did it, but the second time everything worked as normal.
Speculating here, but maybe Canach going to zero health is tied to some kind of bug in the code or routine where it “skipped” the shield deflect sequence, and then when I healed him and he began moving again, it was already “past” it. Dunno.
Your solution worked for us, we kept Canach healed and he worked just fine, thank you.
I had this issue today, and ended up letting myself die, so I could try again. One thing I noticed in the first fight is that when Canach was just standing there (not using his shield), with the Blighted Canach stuck on invulnerable mode, his health was zero. I was on my Guardian/Dragonhunter and used Virtue of Resolve repeatedly to heal him, and he eventually started moving again, but never went back to use his shield.
When I did the second fight, I decided to actively heal Canach throughout the battle, just in case that was related somehow. I can’t say whether that is what did it, but the second time everything worked as normal.
Speculating here, but maybe Canach going to zero health is tied to some kind of bug in the code or routine where it “skipped” the shield deflect sequence, and then when I healed him and he began moving again, it was already “past” it. Dunno.
Your solution worked for us, we kept Canach healed and he worked just fine, thank you
Same – you just have to keep Canach alive during each invul phase until he finishes the communication with you. Not a bug.
Air vents didn’t work for me on the first round and didn’t work for my partner after Brahm was defeated and when we retried the fight the ground around the rift disappeared making it impossible to open it once we got Rytlock’s health down.
I understand why someone thought this was a good idea for a fight but if you’re going to throw this many curveballs at us you should at least give us a bat. This fight isn’t hard it’s just frustrating and poorly implemented.
3) which then leads to another bug. when he summons rytlock, mordremoth drops to 25% health and activates the final phase, with rytlock still chasing you. i’ve had it happen to me before with caithe as well.
Almost sounds better than doing the fight in slo motion the way they thought they made it.
~Dr. Seuss
(edited by Muusic.2967)
month passed and still havent been fixed, frikin forget gem store and fix these game breking bugs. Spent and hour trying to kill blighted canach but since he was at 25% hp invincibility, i just broke all my gear and did nothing in the story progress… efin annoying
The air vents still aren’t working. A “we’re working on it” would be nice…
If you have issues with the npcs going away after they get sucked into the rift and the fight going kitten, life leech attacks go around the immune just like in jade maw fight. Fight bugs with bugs I say!
Had an issue where after bringing down the Pale Tree’s health, she simply disappeared. Activating the rift had no effect. Was just standing around in the instance. Had a lovely picnic, then left. Not gonna bother with this joke of a final battle for a while.
Twice I’ve tried now, the Blighted Pale Tree’s health is brought down to 0 and just she disappears meaning activating the rift does nothing ankitten ow just stuck here!
Unable to continue with the story line!
The “protective shield” during the glider phases does nothing, and your glider still fails to open at random. Also, the rocks Mordremoth throws seem to have much larger hitboxes than they should.
Also, the Blighted Pale Tree knocking you down literally every couple of seconds is a little much, that needs to be tuned way down.
Tried to finish this quest (normal mode) and encountered the following fun bugs:
-Updrafts were still failing to launch me unless I ran into them several times.
-Blighted allies were vanishing into their rifts instead of turning friendly, leaving Mordremoth permanently buffed and immune to damage. First it happened with the mentor (Tybalt in this case), on my second attempt it happened with Marjory. I was using a condition build, so it’s possible that they died from condition ticks before they could fully turn, as Nilix mentioned earlier in this thread.
-I finally got to the end where Mordremoth needs to be broken & stunned by the rift. I did that, and got him to a sliver of health. He ended up dying right as he became unstunned and went back into the rift phase, and his body disappeared. There was nothing I could do at that point but leave the instance. This was only my second time doing this quest, so I have no idea if Mord’s disappearing act is a common bug, or if it just happened due to the timing of his death and recovery being so close together.
I have been trying “Heart and Minds” mission for the first time today for hours but when it comes to the stage “protect yourselves or go airbone” my glider doesn’t show up when i try to glide nor the shield protects me, and i checked the gw2 forums this is a known bug (with many other bugs in this mission) since the release?!
Dear Anet, Is it so hard to fix these bugs and stop wasting your players time or is it that you find this funny about how players trying this mission over and over again for hours to find a non buggy tiny bit of luck to complete this mission and finish the HoT story that players paid for the service?
still bugged 15adsfadsf
Still happened to me right now
And same here… please fix?
Caithe – defeated the Blighted Pale Tree, Reality Rift does nothing…Tried it like million billion times and nothing… what a waste of time zzzzz
I can confirm this bug still exists.
Blighted Canach is invulnerable and there isn’t a shield or any way to kill him -_-
What’s funny is that I am currently fighting him while I’m writing this. Just trap him in a corner and once you get close to him he cant do enough damage to kill you. Two useless characters auto fighting each in a corner of the map.
Hope this gets fixed.
This Hearts and Mind last mission is so bugged.
I have tried re-doing the mission 3 times and it has the same result
1. no matter who ever i choose, i will always fight Conach
2. After defeating him, there is a rift. when i activate the rift it shows be the pre-fight animation again, then having the same dialogur, I am fighting Conach the second time
3. After defeating him the 2nd time, i activae the rift. here it shows a different animation and mordermoth appears. after a few second my character gets a condition and cannot attach, a rift appears on the floor that i cannot activate. and Mordermoth just stool there. and so the mission stucks.
please help fix this issue as it is the last mission, im feeling quite frustrated and really want to go on with this story.
This is the 4th time i have tried to do the Mordremoth fight but every time the air vents or glider fail to work. I have tried alone i have tried in a party. This last time trying 4 out of 5 of us had a glider fail.
Just tried this mission and it bugged out on me during the pale tree fight. I had her nearly dead and she just disappeared from the center of the expanding circles. The firstborn sacrifices continued to spawn and walk into the circles of death over and over again.
Killing them didn’t seem to make any difference. Letting them walk to the center and die made no difference. There is no way to leave the instance. I had to enter the PVP lobby in order to escape.
Still an issue. Defeated the corrupt tree, but the Activate the Rift doesn’t advance anything, it just lets me activate it over and over again.
Same here nothing happens when you activate the rift
Getting to the Mordremoth fight in this mission is still generally fine and easy, but once you get there as a Sylvari after the patch today, you seem to be stuck in mind-controlled mode. The Reality Rift isn’t doing anything to help, Canach/Braham is picking you up faster than you can die, even while mind-controlled, being rallied by them isn’t purging you of the mind control, and they’ll pick up any friends you bring faster than they can all die, thus making the invincible start phase of the Mordremoth fight impossible, and forcing the group to manually log out and log back in to even reattempt the mission from the very beginning.
In my experience of this today, it’s happened on every attempt so far once I and the group I brought got to the Mordremoth fight.
(edited by Moderator)
As title. A group if us managed Migrane last night, but during the last flight phase, 2 of us ran to the same updaft, and neither of us got launched. Before we had time to react we were in time out, and the remaining 3 completed it.
On an earlier attempt, a different 2 of us didn’t see the updafts.
Stuck on : defeated the Blighted Pale Tree, Reality Rift does nothing! what a bug mess.
starting to regret my buy!
As per image, it’s a programming error it seems. xD
It reads:
InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624
Happened when trying to enter the instance with my sylvari, while being in a party.
Stuck on : defeated the Blighted Pale Tree, Reality Rift does nothing! what a bug mess.
starting to regret my buy!
I came across this thread using Google for the same issue. I took down the Blighted Pale Tree and now I can activate the Rift endlessly without anything actually happening.
sigh same here, just tried to do the Blighted Pale Tree, and went to activate the Rift… about 9 times, no luck.
Need this fixed, or given credit for it, whatever, cause I am attempting to finish the end game for HOT and can’t progress.
After defeating the blighted Pale Tree (very early on in the fight), the next step is to activate the Reality Rift but it doesn’t work, nothing happens when you press it (other than the animation), the next phase doesn’t begin. I’ve tried to do the instance 3 times now and it’s stuck at that same thing every time.
Just did this story step. Took us 4 tries to get this done also due to the various bugs that have been described. During the fight, my party member died and got respawned on the platform. I (instance opener) finished the fight and killed Mordremoth but after that nothing progressed. Nothing happened. If it helps in resolving the issue, I killed Mordy right as his break bar came up again and I got the message that he’d recovered and we need to fall back.
Can we please get a dev on these things?!?!?! It’s kind of a huge and crucial part of the expansion to be going this long without fixes.
Edit: I tried jumping to my death in order to just retry, but the retry mote had been disabled, leaving us stuck on the platform, with no choice but to relog and give it up.
2nd edit: I really need to do hardcore mode for the achievements but I shudder to think how insanely difficult it will be to complete it with all these issues and bugs. It’s not very motivating to go on and try to finish this part knowing full well that it could all be for nothing in the end. Please, please, please fix this!
(edited by Aechidna.3084)
Same exact Error here – but not in party
You’re probably aware, theres a few major.. and I’d like to stress apon that.. MAJOR bugs in the last quest of HoT. Have posted it through /bug in game with screenshots and I know its been brought up before.. but its been a while now since the game has been released and I’m amazed it aint fixed/patched
Same bug — get to the end of killing Mordemoth, and he disappears and nothing triggers/happens. We tried 3 times in a row as a group. Been trying to beat this quest on and off since HoT came out and still can’t finish the main quest. This is my first forum post unfortunately because I needed to voice this. I love the game and many things, but the part where I can’t even finish the story mode due to bugs is incredibly frustrating.
I made my own thread outlining the bugs I encountered tonight, but thought I’d paste them here as well.
Bug 1- “Client has lost connection” twice during the ‘Finish Mordremoth’ cutscene.
Bug 2- During the Mordremoth fight, using abilities such as Aegis to shut the rift while hostiles are still alive leaves Mordremoth in a permanent immunity state.
Bug 3- No retry mote for party members.
Bug 4- Updraft not registering accurately.
(edited by Tatori.7938)
I think there is something wrong with the servers this morning, i’m trying to do a part of the old personal story on an alt. Twice i got the game client has lost connection quite far into it. I gave up now. Wasted a good hour on it (its a lengthy part in orr)
Didn’t have this issue yesterday.
Edit: also other people reporting of server issues
(edited by Sazgo.9842)
It seems that, while you’re trying to channel the rift and the converted ally dies before it’s finished (for conditions for example) it won’t purify them and the boss will get stuck.
I choose Carnach and Caithe to bring with me.
Canach goes fine,the rift updates,and we proseed.
After the paile tree is dead,I try to update the rift,but nothing happens.
So the story stops there..
Played it twice,same thing happens.
The “finish” option for Mordremoth can still fail to appear for party members if the instance owner is in the penalty box. I have no idea if it’s relevant, but since bugs are frequently silly I’ll mention it just in case – both times I’ve had this bug happen, the instance owner was a sylvari.
Lol, I died as sylvari while the NPCs just stood around doing nothing during the last phase.. Couldnt rally from smothering shadows too.. Maybe thats another bug? If not they should implement it, playing this kitten alone is annoying and tedious enough but getting downed in the last 5th of the fight and nobody tries to rezz you/you cant rez from shadows and have to fight the whole kittening thing again is just not fun.
But I now got my masteries so I luckily dont have to finish it any time soon.
I have attempted Hearts and Minds four times now and the quest has failed to complete due to bugs, not my failure in the boss battle.
I have personally emailed Game Support and personally submitted two bug reports.
I have finished this quest 4 times now. Due to bugs – three times being unable to hit Moredremoth at the VERY END of the boss fight, when fighting the shadows and opening the rift and you are meant to stun him – he just stands there, INVINCIBLE. Similar to the problem that has been explained in this thread.
Once, the boss was defeated, the final seconds of story froze the party leader and we could not kill Canach to finish the story. The quest was done – I had finally finished it and should have been provided all the rewards I was entitled to. No one from Guild Wars 2 has addressed this, helped me, or provided an answer or solution to this.
This is unacceptable. I have completed hearts and Minds four times but due to bugs, it doesn’t finish properly.
I agree, as such a major part of the game, and the fact that we have paid for this, that this final quest is STILL a bug-filled mess is disgraceful. This is frustrating. It’s like our concerns mean nothing and all the effort and time put in to trying to get past these bugs is all for nothing – we get nothing for it, no recognition, no solution, no support from developers. What a waste of money and time.
In the fight against Mordremoth it says that I have to ‘’take to the skies’’ but there aren’t any vents to get up in the air. Also the shield that ’’protects’’’you doesn’t really protect me? Are these bugs? I read forums from 2015 with the same problems and no solution. Can I fix this?
The final stage of Hearts and Minds is still broken. After closing the final rift, Mordy just stands there invulnerable and nothing else happens…NPC don’t push forward and you are stuck in an endless broken instance….
Also, the penalty box needs to go….it’s a horrible mechanic.
All I want is to finish the story.
Mordremoth’s Ley Storm (the push/pull whirlwind) persists into the final flight phase and will pull you out of the air. This has happened every time I’ve done the fight within the past month.
Once again, the “finish” option for Mord did not appear for my groupmate. (I was the instance owner and in the penalty box, I was also playing a charr, so never mind what I suggested about sylvari a few posts back.) Fortunately I got ported back into the arena as Mord was downed, so I was able to finish him myself. I don’t know if that was a fix or some sort of beneficial bug, it would be cool if it always happened though.
Blighted illusions still don’t wipe conditions when they get stunned. New conditions won’t apply, but if they already have a large stack on them, they’re still at risk of ticking to death before being turned by the rifts.
My partner and I had the green exit portals throughout the whole quest when we did it a few days ago, resulting in constant “Exit to Dragon’s Stand” prompts popping up mid-combat. There was one in each stage of the quest – the beginning hallway, both miniboss arenas, Mord’s arena, one even spawned on top of Trahearne at the end. This may have happened because my partner just joined me but didn’t choose to replay the quest step in his journal, but I’m not really sure. I don’t know why this is coded to happen under any circumstances though, pretty sure nobody actually wants or needs an exit portal in the middle of a boss fight.
So I’ve been trying to do this stupidly convoluted final mission.
I tried doing this a few months ago, but I kept encountering an issue when fighting Mordremoth. For a change, it’s not the vents!
When Caithe is brought into the fight and the rift is opened, she should become susceptible to the rift move. However, in my last two attempts she has resumed attacking me. She becomes completely immune to the rift (immune flags up on her character whenever the rift is used) and thus the mission cannot be completed… unless of course you die and try getting back to that point.
I’ve also noticed some slightly weird behaviour with Eir. Maybe it’s not a bug, but her revive speed has been drastically increased. I am aware she now teleports, but during my latest attempt, there were at least two points in the fight where she instantly revived Garm before any CC could be applied to her. Just seems very… inconsistent.
I don’t mind a challenge, but this mission is so long and drawn out, I wish we didn’t have to start at the beginning stage of each fight. Especially when you fail due to a glitch. I’ve noticed this mission has glitched in many different ways for many different people. I really don’t want the answer to be ‘keep trying until it doesn’t glitch!’ but I have a feeling this is the only solution… but any input would be much appreciated
I really just want to finish the game.