Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phazer.1062


Stage: Defeat mordremoth.
Bugs: -Stone platforms not rising -> rift not accesible/useable (1)
– when boss resets his skill set doesn’t reset(2)

Details (1)
During the summonning of different hero’s you need to kill he hero. when he ticks 30% you need to use the rift on the stone platform. if it didn’t rise you could not use the rift to suck them in, you must fall to death or die in order to fix this (no guarantee it is a fix because it happened frequently)

Details (2)
when you die at a certain phase, the boss resets and keeps the skills from the phase he was in when you died.

Here are the phases these are probably not all correct since i have been trying to complete it bugged. so all phases were phase 6 even during phase 5 he would use skillset of phase 6 during his AoE.

Phase 1 Cone AoE
Phase 2 chmpion summon
Phase 3 Cone AoE + barrier
Phase 4 Champion summon + electric AoE
Phase 5 Massive AoE with Glider mechanics
Phase 6 Cone AoE + barrier + Ball of energy shooting globs

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cowfang.3518


Boss Fight is super bugged.

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brilorodion.6541


Most of the bossfights in this mission are constantly bugging, especially if you have to try again.

Canach becomes invincible
Garm gets up instantly after being down
Eir doesn’t become vulnerable (she should take more damage)

When you’re flying during the Mordremoth fight, he’ll sometimes pull the whole group down to the ground, which results in an immediate wipe.
In his last phase, Mordremoth can only be damaged by rifts… but often there are no remaining rifts.
When Mordremoth has to be finished and someone is in the “You have died”-cage, you can’t finish him.

There is no “Leave Instance”-Button.

Did anyone ever actually test this before releasing it? Everything up until this mission went so smooth… and then you encounter this utter disaster.

(edited by Brilorodion.6541)

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Troublesome.5670


omfg after 9 attempts on this instance i give up.
There is literally a new bug every time i try to do it or work my way around a previous one.

Tried solo, 2 Players, 3 Players, 4 Players…..every. single. attempt a fail due to bugs.

Considering how long this fight lasts the previous 2 times i attempted to do it all i hoped for was that it would bug early instead of in the last phase. An amazing amount of time wasted attempting to finish this. Sooooo frustrated right now!

If you guys need more testers for future content (instances, Class Changes, etc.) i will gladly volunteer…just saying….seems like you guys could use a hand. <3

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tybolt.8503


I’ve had the same experiences, although I’ve only tried running it solo. While it’s nice that Anet is adding in fixes to other sections of the expansion, maybe it’d be more prudent to fix the bugs that currently exist rather than try and modify the content and risk adding more?

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StrayDilettante.8671


When Mordremoth has to be finished and someone is in the “You have died”-cage, you can’t finish him.

Seconded for this bug.

Does it only not work if the instance owner is stuck? Or is it any player?
I died and was stuck and while my two friends managed to mordremoth, we can’t defeat him. They tried to jump off the platform to die but it didn’t work either.

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mrtummygiggles.6108


This fight is a complete and utter buggy mess.
The fact that the events leading up to it take bloody forever doesn’t help either.

Hearts And Minds (STORY) (SPOILER)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ahlec.8423


This is really, really bugged. Especially when you’re with parties. The two that I’ve encountered during the fight with Mordremoth are:

1) if you’re the party leader and you die (see bug #2), when the rest of your party kills Mordremoth, you as the party leader are the one responsible for dealing the killing blow. Except you can’t, because you’re dead, and you aren’t able to get into the arena again.
2) Two out of two times, I’ve died in this instance because the glider would fail to deploy. I would reach the updrafts on the floor, jump up, it would recognise the jump and perform the spinning jump you see with bouncing mushrooms, and then I couldn’t deploy my glider at all and I’d die.
3) I forgot about this, but one out of the four times I entered the Dream, the cutscene while you’re entering wouldn’t play any sound (player character + Mordremoth speaking). Information for recreation here is: I’m human, I was not party leader, I was defeated when the cutscene was started. The other times, when it was playing, I was party leader and I was alive.