Help - no sound
12 views and no replies Do i really have an issue that no one can help with?
12 views and no replies
Do i really have an issue that no one can help with?
Wrong forum. Go here:
Some generic stuff:
Update your sound drivers.
Click the sound icon in the task bar to bring up the volume slider and click the slider to hear a ding. That’s your default device. In the game, default should be selected.
Right click the sound icon in the task bar and open the volume mixer. With GW2 open, find GW2 in the mixer and experiment with the volume.
Right click the sound icon in the task bar, open playback devices and right click your default device. If there’s an option to configure the speakers, try setting them to stereo.
Ensure you’re not running GW2 with the -nosound option.
check the volume mixer cause if for a strange reason GW2 is muted if you even restart your pc the game stays muted!
(edited by alteriel valie.4751)
I’d also suggest checking the sound options in-game, and seeing that you are using the correct output device, and the volume sliders and mute options are not selected.
Beyond that, it’s some local thing, so it’s really hard for us (or anet) to help you more. sorry.