Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: havellian.4073


This must be the dumbest heart quest ever or I’m doing something wrong. Killing Risen, fixing golems and picking up artifacts are supposed to contribute to this. There are no golems around, no risen either…. the event “protect krewe leader Dobbs” supposed to help with this but it is bugged and no waves of risen are attacking..

So.. we are left with picking up artifacts and guess what? some (not all) artifacts disappear when you pick them up so you cant even put them in crates if you wanted to……

Not fun at all Anet…

Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


More detailed info.

Zone: Timberline Falls
Area: Gyre Rapids
Quest: Help the Priory’s excavation of the ruins

  • No Risen spawn to kill
  • No Toxic Ooze spawn to kill
  • No Golems spawn to then be able to protect or revive
  • Some Artifacts (Bone, Axe, Dwarven Powder Keg, Hammer) disappear upon pickup without being collected for depositing into storage crates

OP, would you please add what server/world you are on? This is a crucial piece of information as bugged/stuck/missing NPCs and events tend to be world specific and not game-wide.

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Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: havellian.4073


Server is Dragonbrand

Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mikee.5078


All the same issues, tonight, on Maguuma. There is an event that isn’t progressing: “Protect krewe leader Dobbs as the krewe clears the excavation site.”

Help the Priory's excavation of ruins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moyeu.1729


Same issue on Sea of Sorrows. I’ve made progress by pulling skelks into the zone and killing them, but it’s taking ages that way.