Hero Pane Stat Calculation

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


I’ve noticed that a few +critical% bonuses don’t appear on the Hero Pane.

- The Sigil of Accuracy (+5% Crit chance). If I’m dual wielding two weapons each with the Sigil, shouldn’t I see a 10% increase?
- The warrior trait heightened Focus should give a 2%, 5%, 9% increased critical chance per each stage of adrenaline doesn’t show up dynamically either.

Although these bonuses don’t appear on the pane, am I still receiving them?

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Sigils don’t affect your base stats as they are weapon specific.

While Wearing Sword/Pistol
E.g. +5% Crit Chance on my Sword makes my Sword skills gain +5% crit chance, but does not affect the Pistol skills/attacks.

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Are you sure it works like that Master Bei Shun.1267? I ask because I use pistol/shield on my enginer both with the magic find .6% stack build per kill. I can kill something and get 2 stacks rewarded for the kill just using the pistol skills and no shield skills.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Are you sure it works like that Master Bei Shun.1267? I ask because I use pistol/shield on my enginer both with the magic find .6% stack build per kill. I can kill something and get 2 stacks rewarded for the kill just using the pistol skills and no shield skills.

Those sigils don’t grant stats.
I’m talking about +5% Crit Chance, +5% Damage, Chance on Critical to do X.

Put a Sigil of Air/Fire on your Shield and use Pistol skills, it won’t proc. Use Shield skills and it will.

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azula.7012


See link at bottom for more detail about how sigil work.

“Also, on equpping a Sigil of Accuracy the critical chance will not show up in your character’s attributes window. However, according to ArenaNet, this problem is only with the UI;”


“Before I go further, I’ll address a common misconception – the idea that when holding two weapons, each sigil only affects the skills that involve that weapon. This is simply not true;”


Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bizzle.3495


See link at bottom for more detail about how sigil work.

“Also, on equpping a Sigil of Accuracy the critical chance will not show up in your character’s attributes window. However, according to ArenaNet, this problem is only with the UI;”


“Before I go further, I’ll address a common misconception – the idea that when holding two weapons, each sigil only affects the skills that involve that weapon. This is simply not true;”


Thank you Azula, Any information on whether or not these will be addressed with a UI update?

Hero Pane Stat Calculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azula.7012


In time it should be fixed. I doubt it is high priority.