Hero Points Misreporting?
I have the same issue with the same hero point. It will not show as completed when I attempt it on my revenant, no matter how many times I do it. I put in a ticket and was told by the GM that my issues were known issues and to post on the forums.
Bug was present since the launch, still not addressed… Priorities?
“He will improve everything that ArenaNet added to infinity and beyond.”
At launch this was fine. Then they made things easier and yes this got mixed up. The HP in VB near the WP to Auric Basin and another are switched. The other one is near the center of the map and will show as completed tho it isn’t. It’s the one at noble ledges where you start going up the path at the waypoint and jump out in the vine when you’re about halfway up the path. It’s now a channeling Hp super easy. It was basically swapped with the other one but the map wasn’t updated.