Hero Points Not Awarded on Level-Up
is your alt from a long time ago?
I’m asking because there was a point where old characters were grandfathered into the trait system as it is now. doing that caused most people to end up being over-spent on hero points. in other words, the system used more points than were available to your character. when the points are even, you earn points again (one of mine it took until somewhere past level 30 to start earning hero points again after being grandfathered in)
just throwing this out there, just in case
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I mean he’s old but I’m not sure if he’s that old? He just celebrated his second birthday. I would try leveling him a few more times but I’m honestly slightly worried since when the levelup rewards were introduced they said there was no way to retroactively reward them. Although I guess hero points are probably a different story than items.
So upon further digging, I didn’t realize the hero point update was only about a year and a half ago (jeeze, tempus fugit eh?) and doing some really quick math…yeah. He’s about 30-40 points over what he should have.
Thanks! Guess it’s not a bug at all. Just me being old and unable to do math.