Hidden garden bugged after planting orchid

Hidden garden bugged after planting orchid

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Storm Sunstarr.8470

Storm Sunstarr.8470

After planting the primordial orchids in my hidden garden I am no longer able to harvest anything but the orchids. Upon daily reset, all the nodes are there but when I harvest them they disappear and give no items. It worked fine until I put the orchid seeds in there from the backpack collection. Any known issues with this?

Aurora Sunstarr, leader of Sunstarr Clan [Suns]
Sorrows Furnace
“Youth and strength can always be overcome by old age and treachery!”

Hidden garden bugged after planting orchid

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Falsk.8193


I never go to harvets there, but it was Daily Jp so i went.Had same issue when taking the plants, not all got in invtory. i suspect foul rabbits eating our plants.

Hidden garden bugged after planting orchid

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


I could harvest them just fine yesterday.