(edited by Acrisor.8097)
High Bug: Ele & Superior Rune of the Warrior
Also doesn’t work for Sigil of Energy
Unrelated to original post but rather to sigil of energy reply. Energy works, there is an internal cooldown on the Sigil, however so you do not benefit from every swap.
Like Distillia I can also confirm that Sigil of Energy works fine. Sigil of Energy does not have a bug when used with Elementalist.
Still waiting an official answer and fix for Superior Rune of the Warrior when used on Elementalist.
According to wiki ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon_swap ) elementalists do weapon swapping “by switching between attunements”.
that’s some odd interpretation, you got there
wikiWeapon swap is the mechanic of switching between the two equipped weapon sets (default key: ~). This ability is unlocked when your character reaches level 7 for all professions except Engineers or elementalists, who use a similar mechanic.
Engineers can trigger on-swap effects by changing kits; elementalists do so by switching between attunements.
first part clearly says, that engineers and eles don’t have weapon swap
part 2 says: attunement is different mechanic which can trigger on-swap effects
it’s even affected by ele’s unique trait (Attunement Recharge Rate)
not to mention warrior runes description is misleading. it’s not -1 second, but 9 seconds instead of 10. e.g. it don’t work with warriors 5 second swap trait
weapon swap, attunements switching and kits changing are different events , but share same on trigger effect
As said above, this is a NAB feature. Elementalists cannot do weapon swaps, if they could, you would see a second place to equip weapons in the equipment window. Switching attunements is the equivalent of using the F1-F4 skills in other professions. Ironically, the real bug might be other on-swap runes triggering when switching attunements.
As said above, this is a NAB feature. Elementalists cannot do weapon swaps, if they could, you would see a second place to equip weapons in the equipment window. Switching attunements is the equivalent of using the F1-F4 skills in other professions.
It’s a legitimate issue. All weapon swap effects apply to attunement swapping except this one. That’s inconsistent.
Ironically, the real bug might be other on-swap runes triggering when switching attunements.
Given how Izzy even promoted the use of on swap runes in his video guide on elementalists, I seriously doubt that.
According to wiki ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon_swap ) elementalists do weapon swapping “by switching between attunements”.
that’s some odd interpretation, you got there
wikiWeapon swap is the mechanic of switching between the two equipped weapon sets (default key: ~). This ability is unlocked when your character reaches level 7 for all professions except Engineers or elementalists, who use a similar mechanic.
Engineers can trigger on-swap effects by changing kits; elementalists do so by switching between attunements.first part clearly says, that engineers and eles don’t have weapon swap
part 2 says: attunement is different mechanic which can trigger on-swap effects
it’s even affected by ele’s unique trait (Attunement Recharge Rate)not to mention warrior runes description is misleading. it’s not -1 second, but 9 seconds instead of 10. e.g. it don’t work with warriors 5 second swap trait
weapon swap, attunements switching and kits changing are different events , but share same on trigger effect
that’s some odd intepretation you have there…it says that weapon swap is unlocked at level 7 except for Engineers and Elementalists who share a similar mechanic (ie. kit swapping (can be used at level 2) and attunement swapping (can be used at level 1) respectively). These are THE “similar mechanic” to weapon swapping, although, they are prefession mechanics. They are, effectively, identical to weapon swapping in every way. There is no bug with the other sigils. They are meant to proc on kit/attunement swaps. Hopefully, we will see Rune of the Warrior fixed when they do the sigil/rune update next month, though i won’t hold my breath. I thought it might just have to do with swapping only allowing it’s reduction by one source but that’s clearly not the case if you had no trait points allocated to the Arcana line and Engis surely don’t get to have a 0 sec kit swap with these runes as well.
So now it gets confusing… some say it is a bug (as I consider it)… some say it is not a bug…
Elementalist does weapon swap by switching between attunements (wiki states it). This triggers features such as the ones in Superior Sigil of Renewal (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_sigil_of_renewal) or Superior Sigil of Energy (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Energy). As such, Superior Rune of the Warrior should work too and grant -1 second, and I considered the missing of this feature a bug, by reporting it.
I don’t think it is up to us to debate here if this whole mechanic of weapon swapping for elementalists, by changing attunements, should exists or not ingame. This topic is about a bug on Superior Rune of the Warrior not working as it should.
If someone consideres elementalists overpowered because the concept of attunement swapping is considered the same as weapon swapping, then please open another thread in Guild Wars 2 Discussion section to complain about it.
I kindly ask for players to confirm if Superior Rune of the Warrior and PvP Superior Rune of the Warrior do not grant -1 second by switching between attunements.
(edited by Acrisor.8097)
Is it a bug? I don’t think so, description sayd that it reduces cooldown on weapon swap not on effects that trigger weapon swap.
So should it be left as it is or “fixed”?
- It would open more possibilities for elementalists and more possibilities is always good for every class.
- 1s wouldn’t change much anyway, so OP argument is invalid.
Left as it is:
- Probably it’s not a bug and since it’s not a bug then why fix it?
Basically I don’t see what could be the use of this set. People who want to swap attunements as fast as possible usually play with 30 arcane and arcane build is the best as a staff support. Reducing recharge by 1s from 10s to 9s wold give this build some additional DPS, but that would be less than 10% and you have to sacrifice other runes, like boon duration which gives much more.
Imo this rune set is wouldn’t be good for elementalists, even if they changed it to work with attunements.