High Ping Difference Between Accounts

High Ping Difference Between Accounts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: seyhzade.3401


Hi Guys & Gms, Also Happy new years from now

I got 2 accounts both has HoT upgrade, 1 in SFR 1 in Aurora Glade. Aurora one is new one i am tring to levelin in Masteries also on PvP to make Legendary Back item but i cant atm coz i am havin huge lags, skill delay and pings. its like over 700 to 1k somethime over 2k ping. But on my main account i dont have any trouble about Lag or high ping i got decent ping like 80-100. Atm i cant play with my new account even on PvE. Is there anything to solve this problem? or its just bcoz of new year holiday on some servers?

High Ping Difference Between Accounts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: seyhzade.3401


Will any Gm care to answer any sh.t?? I am really angry right now. My main accoutn dont have any sing about lag. but alt account dying from lag…… Right now i got 4k ping…………

High Ping Difference Between Accounts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

For an individualized response, you can contact the Tech CS Team via the ‘Support’ link above/below.

In the meantime, you can download a pingplotter program to help determine the problem.

Good luck.

High Ping Difference Between Accounts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Since megaservers, your home world only matters for WvW, so it seems unlikely that any latency errors you are experiencing in PvE are due to being associated with different worlds.

Are you using the same computer to connect? I get different ping from my laptop and my desktop when connected at the same time, in part because the laptop uses WiFi and is a slower machine (which should not matter, but …well, sometimes it seems to).

Are you connecting at different times? Perhaps your local ISP or local network experiences slowdowns at peak periods. Or perhaps your ISP is one of the ones that throttles connections under certain circumstances.

Short story is that you need to gather more data to troubleshoot this. The limited symptoms you’ve described sound more like something outside of ANet’s control, but their support team will help you try to figure it out. Create a support ticket, as Inculpatus cedo suggested and work with them.

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