Hint Completion achievement stuck despite having all ticked.

Hint Completion achievement stuck despite having all ticked.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: drkn.3429


First off – i know it’s a minor bug, but for an achievement kitten like me (while i’m playing for fun and fun only, i focus on getting the achievement while playing, first and foremost, as it’s the biggest source of fun for me) it is really irritating.

So i got all Hints ‘ticked’ but my achievement bar is stuck at 81/82.
The last hint i needed was Ranger Pet Swap under Skills & Traits. It took me a while to figure out what i actually need to do for it to pop, as i haven’t played a ranger yet at all (tip: you need to get your pet killed and wait a while before swapping pets while still in combat). I finally made it on the Svanir training fight in the Heart of the Mists, and while the actual hint popped just fine, the achievement bar hasn’t recognised it.

I’m attaching a screenshot of the Hints panel open, with everything ticked, and the Hero achievements panel with Hint Completion stuck at 81/82.

If anyone has any questions ‘how to make hint X pop’, feel free to PM me here or in-game and i’ll try to help you out.

Again, i know it’s a minor thing but it’s quite vital for me



Hint Completion achievement stuck despite having all ticked.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: drkn.3429


Just an update:
The problem is still there


Hint Completion achievement stuck despite having all ticked.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Yep. Affects every single person I’ve asked. Me. My roommate. My friends. We’re all missing 1 that never will complete, or it is complete but not being counted.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.