Hints Completion Achievement Bug
Update: Managed to get the mail hint to checkoff on the actual hint tab. Only ones not checked there now are Crafting Refinement under “Items and Equipment” and Achievement Chests under “Other.” Between being 100% world completion and 400 in 2 crafting skills it seems unlikely that those 2 hints would not have triggered.
Despite all of this the actual Hints Completion Achievement still shows only 70/82 when all but 2 of the hints under the hints tab are un-checked.
Update #2: With the daily achievement reset I managed to trigger both of the remaining two hints to complete them under the hints tab. This actually unlocked the achievement that was stuck at 70/82 and changed it to 82/82. So looks like the achievement isn’t bugged but the tracking is a bit screwy and makes it appear bugged. Can close this thread due to problem solved.
Had/have the same issue. I’ve checked off every hint but one, the PvP one about using a trebuchet. Used it repeatedly, never got the hint. (Any idea how to get that one?)
Like you, I go the mail hint update without ever seeing the hint message itself. Also like you, I am sitting at 70/82, without knowing what the extra hints were. I’ll have to mess more with the trebuchets and see if mine also jumps to 82/82. I’ll update when/if I figure out how to get that one.
I have the same issue, all checked but 80/82.
Reported it, about 2 weeks ago.
stuck on 81/82 here
Desolation ~ Just the [Tip]
For some reason my “Need to repair” hint won’t unlock. I can’t count how many times I’ve had broken armour. Something is wrong.
Stuck on 81/82 here, despite all hints marked with a check.
Use the Treb in the Mists not in WvW
The Purge [PURG]
Stuck at 82/83 with “Achievement Chests” still unlocked, even tho I must have opened hundreds of them by now :/
“They say you are what you eat.
Which is funny ‘cause I don’t remember eating a f.ing legend”
My bugged hint is the Elementalist attunement switch. I had 82/83 before I ever played elementalist, and had every hint checked except that one.
Once I created an Ele I got that last check mark on the hints list but the achievement remained 82/83. I never did get the actual hint popup advising me to switch attunement.
I’m stuck at 81/82, despite having all of the hints checked. If it helps, the last hint I completed was the siege weapon one.
I’m going to necro this thread. I’m still stuck at 81 of 83 hints Completed.
Everything is checked. I’ve re-done some of the achievements that I thought I might not have done but got checked anyway. Still nothing. Anyone able to fix this achievement (those that were bugged, not those that didn’t have any issues).
Still stuck at 79/83 even though every hint is checked.
same here… 81 of 83 and it says 3 of them i have not done even though it says i have done 81…
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
I am having issues also. I have done the laurels and have gotten a finish in pvp and a few others that are not showing as completed. Only one I agree with is the mail I have never let my MB get full.
Also having this issue. Sitting at 81/83. Three hints are showing as incomplete for me in the hints window. The warrior adrenaline boost one I know is the only one I need to finish. The other 2 are Laurels, which I have 14 of in my inventory right now, and full inbox. Inbox is still full as I wait for this to update.