Ho-Ho Tron the Obnoxious

Ho-Ho Tron the Obnoxious

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


Is this business with the Ho-Ho Tron mini’s incessant bell ringing intended or a bug? As it’s one of the most obnoxious things in the game along with gold spammers and chat morons—and I’m waffling on which is actually the most irritating. I can’t imagine how any dev could think this was a smart move.

Unless I’m completely hallucinating, I recall prior to one of the last few patches that this guy just rang his bell once in a while, which was fine. Now I feel like smashing it into the ground with my boot (and my hammer, my fist, my mace, any available boulder, etc.) every time I hear someone else’s nearby.

For me, the mini’s been ruined. I can’t stand having it out. Lots of gold wasted on bags (or maybe the TP, I forget) on a mini I now despise.