HoW Butcher Bugged

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: webbster.5108


Ive been running HoW like crazy trying to get the exotic armour set from Honor of the Waves. Except today when we went to run it, we noticed that once you arrive at the Butcher, the floor beneath him seems to bug out and you fall about two stories making it impossible to finish the dungeon. If someone can please have a look at this it would be greatly appreciated.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: kennythekoala.2758


Happened to me to, also Zealot path a few mobs followed me to WayPoint and killed me over and over.

Rockmachine – VoTF

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: erigais.6805


yep, happened to my group as well. someone else in the party said it also happened when they attempted to do the run early. atm not running this dungeon anymore more as it just doesnt work. there is no way around the bug other than exiting.

i really dont know what they could have done to break it. there was really no need to touch HoTW as it was the only dungeon that was pretty bug/exploit free up to this point.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Apraxas.3685


Confirm this the path is impossible to complete, the room with the boss is fake and you fall through the floor.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: erigais.6805


any know if this is fixed after maintenece? im a little too sleepy to stay up and try to get a group together to waste time in a broke dungeone.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Serin.3917


There is a bug with this instance where at the end, where you have to face Gineva the Butcher, there is no floor where people can walk over to actually start the fight against the Butcher.

Does ANet know about this bug? And is there a fix for this path anytime soon? For now I’m just doing the Zealot path, but doing the Butcher Path every so often for the daily token bonus usually ramps up my token count to get my next set piece. A response would be nice regarding this issue.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: MC Mjolnir.1973

MC Mjolnir.1973

Not only that, but the Boss is nowhere to be seen. This bug seems to have been in effect since the Monday update.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Serin.3917


Not only that, but the Boss is nowhere to be seen. This bug seems to have been in effect since the Monday update.

Thats odd, the groups I have been with are able to view the boss perfectly fine, its just that we can’t reach him because there is no floor in that entire area where the boss is situated.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

I can also vouch that this is bugged. Explorable HotW, butcher path: make it all the way to the end and the room has no floor and there is no visible Ginva the Butcher and no way to trigger them to spawn.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Serin.3917


bumping this topic so somebody can address the issue, and hopefully not forget about it….

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Shintai.5618


Confirming its bugged too.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: AceHateCrew.2158



So in Honor of the Waves explorer mode, the first path where you have to face the Butcher. Everything is going smoothly, until you get to last boss. When you try to enter the room, you fall through the ground as if its not even there. Not enough with that, buut the Butcher himself has dissappeared completely. I’ve seen multiple bug reports on this, and I wonder why this hasn’t been fixed yet. 2 days, can you get it fixed now please? Its a complete gamebreaking bug.

Thank you, and I love your game.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: wither.2104


Had the same thing happen to our party. With the Butcher the only non-underwater path if you want to fight on dry land there is no way to run Honor of the waves as it is now.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: AceHateCrew.2158


Love the awareness thingty. plz fix.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Serin.3917


The zealot path isn’t that hard, but its just a matter of preference I guess.

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Deimo.2615


It has not been fixed. Just now we are trying to make our way through it, but seems impossible!

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: Soban.7182


During exploration my party made its way to the last boss chamber. But it had no floor. we just fall down through it. If you look closely, you can see my head …


HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: BiscuitOfOz.1437


I hope it get’s fixed soon, I really want to get that armor set. =(

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: BiscuitOfOz.1437


Please hurry and fix the dungeon Arenanet!

HoW Butcher Bugged

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Posted by: ktbenson.7935


My group also came upon the “invisible floor” bug and non-existent final boss problem for the “Butcher” dungeon path.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the Plunderer path; it was difficult but manageable. Still have yet to try the Zealot path.