How do you get copper coins in this game?

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zen.1740


I’m level 80, running around in my underwear, have zero currency, and cannot afford armor repair or waypoint travel. Events give just enough money to repair your armor 0.5 times, or to waypoint travel to the nearest non-contested area 1.5 times.

So tell me, do I need to start using the cash shop to have fun, or is this a bug? Please don’t tell me you actually designed the game this way.

I’m stuck at Arah Waypoint and cannot escape the waves of snaring/stunlocking enemies and trebuchets to even get close to another non-contested waypoint.

Could a dev teleport me out? Thanks in advance

A once interested player

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Pepcfreak.5984


ask a kind friend for some coinage or roll an alt and gain some coin.

email me in game ill be willing to spare 10s and then i can discuss my methods.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: TheHv.2607


have u tried to join world vs world and then take the portal to lion

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Monkeyboy.2869


Press h, go to mists, go to lions arch. Go do stuff, try and die less

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Nargaroth.1482


or the hearts of the mists

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zen.1740


have u tried to join world vs world and then take the portal to lion

Well that’s true, I could do that, but then it would take like 3 silver just to teleport back to continue trying to 100% the Arah area.

ask a kind friend for some coinage or roll an alt and gain some coin.

email me in game ill be willing to spare 10s and then i can discuss my methods.

Thanks for the offer but I’d rather not be in debt when I can’t afford a 200m waypoint travel.

The gold sinks in this game are pathetic. It’s their fault for letting players buy gems, and then trying to suck gold out of players pockets so they can’t afford them and have to turn to the cash shop.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Miss Mindie.4976

Miss Mindie.4976

That seems a little odd. Though I’m nowhere near level 80, I’ve had no problem stashing coin. Maybe the rewards need to be balanced a bit in higher levels? Or maybe your toon is bugged?

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Mikro.7395


You will have to find out how to make money, they don’t give you everything you need on a golden plate, just try harvesting/crafting or selling items you find on the trading post, like everyone else.. there are a lot of ways to gain something more

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zaio.8793


If you’re really strapped for cash then go mine mithril and orichalcum around orr, in Ring of Fire each orichalcum ore sells for about 3-5s each, resulting in 9-15s per vein. You can always do dragon world events, sell rares/exotics or use mystic forge in lions arch for a shot at getting an item worth some g.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Monkeyboy.2869


I get enough money by just walking round doing normal stuff, And i salvage most loot that drops

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zen.1740


That seems a little odd. Though I’m nowhere near level 80, I’ve had no problem stashing coin. Maybe the rewards need to be balanced a bit in higher levels? Or maybe your toon is bugged?

Did you 100% any areas? I did. I was disappointed by the pitiful amount of rewards you get for taking the time to get each vista, skill point, point of interest, etc.


And then your armor repair costs like 5 silver, each waypoint is like 1.3 silver, your armor gets damaged even when you don’t die (i.e. when you get hit and the enemy runs away).

Orr is extremelykitten when it comes to its design. 90% of all the waypoints in the area are contested, and you have to run for 5-10 minutes to get around to unlock things, and get stunlocked, snared and pull aggro from everything, and it’s very difficult to keep money. I met other people at 80 with the same problems. Even if you clear a waypoint (on your own) the NPCs that help you are useless, and when you leave it, it will become contested again shortly after and you will have to fight your way back to find a dozen allied NPCs lying on the floor dead.

Then on top of that, there are bugged skill points in Orr, and I haven’t completed the 70-75 area, the 75-80 area and now I’m stuck in the 80 area trying to 100% it just for the reward to be able to afford a bugged system of trait unlocking books.

What makes this even more frustrating and disappointing is how ArenaNet lied to us saying that enemies will be different in GW2 and won’t just stand around waiting to troll you with stun locks. You remember? How they said enemies would be doing things dynamically? Well this whole area just looks like any generic F2P MMO on the market with thousands of NPCs standing around not doing anything.

Honestly, this whole launch is a farce.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Rika.7249


I can’t say what you’re doing wrong, but you’re doing something wrong.
I haven’t used the Trading Post, and I have no money issues whatsoever.

Something tells me you’re spending money on something you shouldn’t.

Ah, there we go. You’re waypointing everywhere and you’re dying all the time.
Try not to do either.
I haven’t needed a repair from level 50 to 80.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zen.1740


I can’t say what you’re doing wrong, but you’re doing something wrong.
I haven’t used the Trading Post, and I have no money issues whatsoever.

Something tells me you’re spending money on something you shouldn’t.

Ah, there we go. You’re waypointing everywhere and you’re dying all the time.
Try not to do either.
I haven’t needed a repair from level 50 to 80.

Then you’re using an exploit, running around in your guilds zerg group, playing an overpowered class or lying.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Rika.7249


I can’t say what you’re doing wrong, but you’re doing something wrong.
I haven’t used the Trading Post, and I have no money issues whatsoever.

Something tells me you’re spending money on something you shouldn’t.

Ah, there we go. You’re waypointing everywhere and you’re dying all the time.
Try not to do either.
I haven’t needed a repair from level 50 to 80.

Then you’re using an exploit, running around in your guilds zerg group, playing an overpowered class or lying.

I’m doing neither.
Read the part where it says “don’t die.” Also, how did you manage to get to 80 and NOT have enough money for the books?
I had 7 gold at 80, with the books purchased as well.

Are you sure you’re not doing something wrong i.e. running straight forward expecting to survive without fighting, taking too many mobs at once, not dodging, stuff like that?

Also, waypoints are coin-swallowers. Don’t use them unless you need to go REAAAAALLY far.

Edit: What class are you playing?

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Zaio.8793


Actually he’s right. I got to 80 without using trading post once, got all my trait tomes and still had 1g left over. You’re definitely doing something wrong.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: drguild.2045


Try not using waypoints to warp everywhere that can cost you allot of money right there.

Instead walk places, do events, kill stuff then sell loot to merchants.

Basically try to save more than you spend.

Some users may take the easy option with the things above then end up questioning why they always have no money.

And repair only when you need to.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Tml.6835


Do you use the Trading post to sell stuff?

I bought 800 gems for 10 euros once, had I turned it into gold I would have received a whopping 1g and 10s. So unless people are willing to spend hundreds and hundreds of euros/dollars on gold, they will hardly get rich from the store.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Rika.7249


Don’t use waypoints as much as you’re doing.
Sell the loot you find to a vendor.
Try the best you can not to die.

Your total cash should only go upwards from there on.

Edit: Thanks moderator, this was going to get ugly.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Willow.4273


A couple of my friends were struggling with money issues and then one of them casually announced “Did you guys know you get money in the mail for each renown heart?”. He was met with incredulous silence followed by laughter.

On a more serious note, I also haven’t had any issues with money, and I use waypoints fairly often – Lions Arch to Cursed Shore to various dungeons across the map. I’m not sure what you’re doing, but you could consider reevaluating the way you’re tackling fights in the harder areas.

How do you get copper coins in this game?

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Posted by: Rika.7249


Also a friendly tip!

When waypointing to a city, for example Lion’s Arch, you can save money by picking the waypoint closest to you, and then once you’ve arrived, waypoint around inside Lion’s Arch.

The costs increase based on distance, but this is nullified when you enter a city, as the costs are reduced to 0!