Huge FPS drop on large guild's Guild panel and roster

Huge FPS drop on large guild's Guild panel and roster

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arallion.9471


There is a huge FPS drop when we are members of a large (in my case a full 500-member) guild, and we open the guild panel with the guild selection or Roster panel.
Also, the panel updates status very slowly. When logging into the game, and opening this panel, the Online players number slowly goes up from 1 to the real online count.

1. Join a small guild, and open Guild, there is no noticeable FPS drop
2. join a huge guild, and open Guild again, FPS goes to 5-10 max.
3. Click on the “What is a guild?” option, and notice FPS is back to normal, so it’s the roster that’s causing this.