Human Female character creation bug (eyes)
Sylvari Iris size is also bugged, adjusting it any makes the left eye looks down while the right eye is normal. Its possible these two problems could be one in the same…
Yes i am bumping a year old topic but either I do that or make a new thread and get accused of “not using the search function” which also does not work anyways…
And to preempt “who cares about your bug when there are actual gameplay bugs that are important to more people (aka ME ME ME idc about you)” well, to many people RP and non-RP, character appearances matter, are a feature of GW2, and i dare say a part of “game play” for some people so yes, it would be nice if ANET could look into this.
Actual bug: as described above in post by Passiflora, this is still the case with this face. I do not recall it being the case when i made a character on launch day using the same face
Good God! that first screenshot made me laugh so hard, looks like a dog pug to me hahahaha!
I’m playing with the character creator right now and this face is my all-time favorite, and has been for a long time. So of course I’ve also noticed this bug, even now. I really wish it was fixed. Because for me, character design is super important, and this bug is mildly frustrating in how it just effects this one human face after so long of it being around.