Hunter's Verdict bug

Hunter's Verdict bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mcslurpydoodles.9037


Hello, I just want to make a thread to talk about this bug that’s becoming more commonly known, and is being purposefully exploited.

Hunter’s verdict, aka Dragonhunter f1, is the pull, once you land spear of justice. The problem is that it is possible to pull someone up and over small ledges or ramps, and fling them several hundred to thousand units into the air, sometimes instakilling from fall damage.

As a dragonhunter main, I’ve done it a few times on accident, and admittedly on purpose a few times as well.
I won’t say what spots can be exploited for fear of thread removal, but I will say that there are many, many spots where this can happen. And these specific spots have about a 25% chance of getting the fling-into-air-bug.

This bug is easily exploitable, and needs to be patched. Either that or add gliding to pvp haha.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Hunter's Verdict bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odik.4587


Yes , i seen people get pulled into textures , mostly on Forest , seen ppl flying around too . (not sure if they would look at this issue) Signet of the wild been reported long time ago , its still bugged , like bugs i reported.