I cant dye my boots
Report it as a bug in game with a screenshot.
How do i screeenshot it? its a process, i dye, they change color in dye panel, i go back to hero panel, boom permanently purple boots
If you can’t show it as a screenshot then report it the best you can.
Use the dye remover and then try dying them again.
I did already, 2 times.
type /support for some reason /help doesn’t work anymore
Get new boots.
Yeah, I changed my Priory set after a long time waiting for a bug fix on that. Bright red and ugly. No more Priory for me.
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
What do you mean Priory? were you able to get it done? im kinda new so… still unfamiliar with terms :P
It’s a level 80 rare set of armour, solely used for the looks (transmogrification), Priory being one of three factions you choose to join during your Personal Story. Each of these factions has their own “cultural” armour to show off.
It has a known bug since certain point in the game, where parts of the armour become undyable and stay bright red. In my case boots, but I’ve heard of whole pieces and even a whole set having red through it, irremovably.
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
Well… so the GW tech support wont fix this then? my boots are purple forever? this sucks