I know what causes the damage in Wonderland

I know what causes the damage in Wonderland

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rikimaru.7890


A lot of people noticed the damage which happens on the huge candy cane after the exploding presents part.
The only thing that can cause such huge damage are the snowballs, however that part starts after the candy cane.
So what causes it? A snowball, yes but not one of those we need to avoid.
Under that candy cane is a path where the snowballs keep rolling downward, and it seems that if they roll under the cane right when we are on it we will recive damage from them.

I know what causes the damage in Wonderland

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aisokun.4089


Nope. No. It’s a bug in the falling damage, as seen in many other part of the game, like the stairs going down from bell to generator in eotm: if you run downstairs you get a lot of damage for nothing.
The only way to get it done safely meanwhile they fix it is stop half a second and jump make 2-3 jump to reach the bottom (of the stairs, of the candy cane, of whatever is bugged like that)