I play on an iMac. my take on performance.

I play on an iMac. my take on performance.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheSoulTkr.6928


I own an iMac and have updated to El Capitan. This release updated the gaming capabilities of macs after 2012 that update to the OS. In this version they added a new shader system called metal. This is essentially a better OpenGL with less overhang allowing direct gpu control. Currently majority of my graphics are either low, lowest, or off to get about 64 fps. i would like the game to be updated to this new system, obviously add it as a toggle option. I think it will be a very good idea to draw in more mac gamers.

It would bring in more because it would be performance wise better than it is now. Also Activision-Blizzard is updating WoW, Starcraft, and Heroes of the Storm to run on metal. this will provide your current major competitor’s games to run smoother. This is not a major deal with how low the Mac gaming scene is in population. I just think Guild wars 2 is a better and more fun alternative to their current titles.

What do you guys think any mac gamers here agree?

if you want to know my specs and tell me its my hardware is outdated or something here:

  • 2.9GHz Intel Core i5
  • 8Gbs 1600 Mhz DDR3 RAM
  • Nvidia GeForce GT 750M 1024MBs video Ram
  • 251 GBs flash storage

I play on an iMac. my take on performance.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zporter.1439


+1 yes please!

I’m on a Mac as well and while my hardware and specs are good, the machine runs at a hot temp and works really hard in GW2. I have to turn down super low just to stay in VB.

I play on an iMac. my take on performance.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheSoulTkr.6928


-bump- this needs to happen please