Idle Minions

Idle Minions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ElSargento.6718



Hi all.
First of all, Necros are my favorite profession since GW1. In GW2 was my first character. Minion Master is my choice for several personal reasons. But there is a huge problem with the minions being idle for the most part of each combat. The Bone Fiend you can count on most of the time and the Bone Minions are ok, Blood Fiend is kinda weak but reacts fine, Flesh Wurm, is fine too. But when we talk about Flesh Golem and the Shadow Fiend, man, we are in deep trouble. Many, many times I watch them standing around while I get mangled by enemies. This has happened a lot in all game-stances: PvE, personal story, WvW , dungeons and the funniest-more-frustrating PvP. I have had fights with other MMs and watch both Golems, my enemy’s and mine, standing there watching and judging while we go out with all our skills.

When one commands the special attacks of each undead servant it works ok given the distance is appropriate. Sometimes they need to be attacked directly in order to start attacking back.

I’m in this since the Beta and I thought it was something that would be fixed soon but nothing has changed since then about this issue.

I sure hope someone will look into this and while at it also do something about the jumping. I’ll elaborate. As we all know, one can jump down walls, cliffs, etc. but for some reasons undead servants are somehow afraid of heights and they MUST find a walkable way to get down (and/or up) and catch up with their master. This happens every time and in most situations it translates in crucial battle-time in which the entire MM build turns useless.

I’ve seen this companion fear of heights also in the Ranger´s pets.