In game mail choosing recipient....

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I am not sure if this is a bug or feature, a quick search did not show up this problem.

I was sending a guild member large quantities (read 9 stacks of items) of crafting items, but the mail system apparently felt it more important to spread my wealth to another random player, who was kind enough to lol at me and say ‘sorry but it sucks to be you’.

I did change the recipients name in the first e-mail from randomly generated to the chosen recipient, but apparently the recipeints name did not change behind the scenes. On the second mail I did forget to check and understand my fault in that matter.

First question: Why does the game choose random names at all?
Second question: Is there a way to prevent this from occurring?

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charons.6037


Just to post here, I’ve noticed the same thing, and the persons aren’t random, they just happen to be standing closest to you when you started writing the mail. Still, i agree it’s a weird way to choose mail contacts.

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


What I discovered is if you make sure who ever you are sending mail to is on your friends list (does not matter if a guildie or not), just make sure you right click their name and chose “send mail,” then drag and drop what you want to send to that mail.

Otherwise, yes, who ever is standing right in front of you gets the goodies. I’ve had this happen a couple of times before I realized this trick. Do wish they would fix this problem tho.

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

When sending valuable items, I always right-click from guild/friends list or ask the person to send me an email and reply to that.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Thanks for the responses all. Hope they fix this. I understand you should pick from your friends list, but why should the game pick someone you’ve never talked to, never sent anything to, and hadn’t friended? Seems like there’s a lot of folks dealing with this issue and it would be nice not to have this type of weirdness within the game.

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Turial.1293


It will still target the player closest to you after adding your items so I always “Send in mail” first and then add the contact either by typing or right-clicking on my friends list. Very annoying and thankfully the few times it has happened the gentlemen were kind enough to return my items. 10-15g worth of crafted exotics sent to a guildie is not something you accidently want to send to the wrong person, it needs a fix so for now check the name “after” the item is in the mail.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exterminans.9723


I don’t think they will fix this any time soon. This bug has been around since over 5 months, gets reported about twice per week and yet it hasn’t even been “confirmed” yet.

Just don’t EVER type the name manually. And if you must do, make sure that you open a fresh mail window, type the name right at first attempt and if you fail to do so, close the mail window before trying again. The mail system is still a bloody mess.