Incorrect ranger traits description

Incorrect ranger traits description

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mak.7625


The description said that Furious Grip gives 9sec fury but it actually gives 5sec only.
(How I wish it gives 9 instead of 5!)

And the bleeding chance of Sharpened Edges shows 0%.

Incorrect ranger traits description

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Regarding Sharpened Edges, it has been previously reported and responded to by a dev. It is only a text issue of the percent not being displayed properly and the trait still functions.

Pulled from the Tracker: Reported Bugs and Their Status [collaborative effort by players] sticky thread.

Regarding Skirmishing 15-point Master unlock “Furious grip”:
I thought it might have been a down-leveling issue as to why it was having less of a duration, but I tested it out in both a down-leveled zone and in a level 80 zone. In both cases of testing I found a 5 second duration as you reported, though my tool-tip states 10 seconds and not 9 seconds.
-attached image-

I’ll add it to the Tracker later on after some technical difficulties with it are resolved.


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(edited by StinVec.3621)