Infused Celestial rings didn't recieve stats
Bumping this to the top as this issue should be a priority to get fixed. My Rings are also affected by lower stats on the infused version.
bump affected as well
Backpacks are affected too.
bump, still bugged.
I sent in a ticket last week about this but haven’t hear back from support regarding this issue. Support is probably flooded with emails since the April 15 patch went live.
Same problem here. It’s a bit annoying…
Logged into the forums to make a post about this, and found this one buried a few pages back… Noticed this on my Engineer who has an infused rings and an infused backpiece – they did not receive their bonuses. Hopefully we see a fix soon. : (
Tarnished Coast
topping this until issue is addressed!
don’t have, but wow this needs fixed ASAP
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Affected by this as well.
I am affected as well. Contacted support and after awhile was basically told to report the bug and post here for help.
So I am still waiting on at LEAST a response that they know of the bug so I am bumping all the threads about it.
Hi Anet…how are you?
Lol I just made a thread about this as well, that screenshot is exactly what I ended up doing too.
Seems like the April 15th patch screwed a lot of Fractal stuff up, I think the drop rate bug still hasn’t been addressed either.
Yeah, I wish would be resolved…..
Any chance a dev will see this thread and at least let us know if this issue is even being worked on?
Hi guys…. any updates?
weirdest bug ever.
Of course i support this fix since i wear fullon celestial myself… And had to switch rings around because of this weirdo bug.
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma
Any news on this would be appreciated. Thanks!
I can only assume that infused versions of the gear was skipped over by accident. Surprised this hasn’t been included in any of the hotfixes though, given as it is quite the blow to celestial users.
An Officer and a Gentlewoman
Totally, would be nice to see this addressed or even a hit that this will be resolved…considering the obvious.
Support finally got back to me after 2 weeks on this issue and just said post on the forums and use the in-game bug report.
Bumping this since it’s affecting me as well.
Support finally got back to me after 2 weeks on this issue and just said post on the forums and use the in-game bug report.
Yep that’s what they say about everything. They told me to rest assured that our posts are being seen, but that doesn’t exactly make it better. If they are being seen then that kinda says to me that they are intentionally choosing not to give any information. That of course just leads to speculation and anger from the people (like myself) affected. I’d rather here “We are aware of the issue and are working on it” then nothing at all.
Holy crap this still hasn’t gotten a dev response? Let alone fixed?
Hi. Anet…how are we doing?
A short post letting us know you’re working on this would be appreciated.
Any updates? Just curious
Still waiting on an update please.
Bumping this because it’s now been 25 days and we’ve yet to hear so match us a “Thanks, we’re working on it.”
26 days and counting
27 days. Players shouldn’t have to constantly bump a bug report thread for you to fix a simple oversight that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to correct.
I doubt they will ever fix it to be honest. They will just ignore it until everyone effected by this will just give up and get a new ring or stop bringing it up.
I would think it wouldn’t be too hard to make a change to fix it or hell just mail people an infused cele ring to all those reporting and showing proof of a broken ring.
What are the stats supposed to be?
unfortunately it is not the only one bug after the last update where they merge the spvp type of weapons/armors with pve/www .
all combo and synergy skills stopped working !
What are the stats supposed to be?
46 and not 44 maybe ?
(edited by Reborn.2934)
It’s currently +44 to all stats instead of +46 to all stats, which may not be huge, but that difference is more stat points than two fine infusions and people spend plenty of time and gold making those. Honestly, I’d just buy and infuse another ring except I already have a +10 infusion in my Solaria, and I’m not shelving out 60 gold for another one just because of an oversight by Anet.
Obligatory 31st day bump
32 days and the silence is deafening.
Is this a hard fix?
Well, I didn’t think I’d have to add anything since I thought the devs would realise that they failed to update the celestial stats on all infused gear, but apparently I was wrong. So…
Infused celestial back pieces have less stats than their non-infused counterparts. Please fix.
Edit : Nvm, looks like it was fixed but not mentioned in the patch notes.
(edited by Xarog.3172)
Thanks for fixing this ArenaNet.
Thank you, you shall receive a xmas or birthday card from me.