Ingame chat problem

Ingame chat problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CroPsychooo.1620



Okay i wouldnt say that this is a bug, but i have no idea where else should i put this theard…
I’m Croatian, and Croatians have words “put” and “puta”.
Translation (Croatian to English):

put – path, tour, passage (and few more transloations), and it also means “time”…
puta – this also means “time” or if we want to say 20 times we say 20 puta

So because of some reason chat doesnt allow us to write that so chat puts “——-” instead of word “put” or “puta”…
Please can you remove that ?
It is kinda annoying and sometimes sentences are not able to read

Thank you very much, and please dont think that i think that this game suck because of this… i just wanted to report little thing that is a biit annoying.

Thank you,

Ingame chat problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


you can disable obscene filter in game options. Obscene because it is Spanish(i think) slang for prostitute.

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)

Ingame chat problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CroPsychooo.1620


Oh, alright thats understandable
And thank you for discovering that option for me.