Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Vuh.1328


pictures for reference.

I truely hope this is a bug, and if not please disable it for s/tpvp for the love of god..
Will make you have waaaay to much overview of the map and making flanking/hiding so much harder


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Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Nyth.3492


I hope it isn’t a bug. Finally I can have a normal view of my surroundings with an asura. Granted this might be a bit much, especially for pvp; but in my books quality of life wise this is a HUGE improvement.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I don’t think it’s a bug, people have been asking for a bigger zoom out for ages. Just a shame we didn’t get the first person mode too.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Zoom in if it bothers you?

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: MrLee.6892


I hope it IS NOT a bug also!!

Now if we could get POV slider and first person mode!

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

I see what the OP is sayin’. In ah PvP type environment the super zoom out is gonna give yer enemies a bird’s eye view ah the battlefield an’ make sneakin’ up on ’em pretty dang hard.

For runnin’ PvE this is great, as ya can see the mobs comin’ and not get surprised so much; but that sword cuts both ways. Maybe a disable for PvP would be the best way to fix that problem.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Zoom in if it bothers you?

The point is, as stated in the OP, that it makes things like flanking / hiding harder.

Zooming in doesn’t fix that, it doesn’t zoom in the cameras of everyone else around you.

That’s like saying “if you have a problem with hacks then don’t use them” without realising that it’s other people using hacks which is the problem.

NOTE I used hacks as an generic example not something related to GW2, nor am I saying that zooming out is as bad as hacking.

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Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I like it because there are times when you’re attacked from behind and it’s especially good against pullbacks. WoW at least has a good camera zoom and non-awkward camera. Here most of the difficulty from jumping puzzles comes from awkward camera placement.

As for sneaks learn to autorun and turn the camera in every direction just in case you have a follower.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: krojack.4920


Please share what you did to cause this. I can’t stand the limited zoom out.

Also the camera needs to be relaxed some. I can’t even look straight down. It was pretty annoying when I was trying to look down while doing the Mad King to see where it was safe to jump…

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I think it was a bug, because after just logging in from the crash – it appears to have gone or “been fixed”.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: RoRo.8270


Pretty sure it’s a bug a dev stated before they wanted to keep it zoomed close so you would have to be more aware. I rather have it for pve though i dont like being so zoomed in because half my time is spent rotating the camera… It started after the mad king popped out of the statue

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Yep same here, after the Mad King popped out I also had that “super zoom” until the disconnect.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Humor.5763


Seems like it is a bug, or was. I currently can not zoom out that much anymore.

In an honest opinion, I think it’s garbage I can’t zoom out as far as what boss fights are. Sure, it’s all fine and dandy in PvP, but, I rather like the option outside of PvP to be able to zoom out, and zoom in freely. As the current zoom settings are now, I can’t get the “Right” camera angle I prefer to use, which isn’t zoomed out far at all, but due to the restriction settings, the Camera feels like it has a “Set” zoom distance whenever I’m moving my scroll wheel forward to try and get the “Right” distance for myself.

Not that I’ve ever had a complaint about the camera, I just feel as if it’s restricting myself to what I can actually do.

I do however agree with you in PvP, however, since it’s structured PvP, and not open world PvP, you’re not really supposed to have that “Surprise Attack” on someone else, and it could just be my opinion, but structured PvP, to me anyways, means always knowing what you’re up against, and “kind” of fighting fairly. Which is why I prefer open world PvP, Pking if you will, because you’re constantly watching your back, where as you’re not so much expected to do so in a structural PvP such as duels.

Again, that just my opinion, and I really don’t think I should be restricted to such a weird Camera angle, but I’ve lived with it thus far, so, I shouldn’t have much of a problem.

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Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Simon.9752


I just did the Mad King event and got this insane zoom out level. This is how it should be!


Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: WildToast.6419


I love being able to zoom out this much and feel the game would be much improved if this was a feature. Suddenly the world feels so much more bright, big, and gorgeous- and like Nyth said above, it feels “normal” to be able to see this much of the landscape in an MMO.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

It only zooms out that much cause you finished a huge boss. Happens with all other world bosses. When you relog it will get fixed I think. Imo I like it. We should be able to have an option to enable that zoom. Those who don’t like it don’t need to enable it.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Just an FYI, they are testing out the new FOV settings now to fix the issues that have been bugging people. Maybe you had a glitch with the new settings affecting your current ones?

Give it a try for yourselves. In my opinion, it is a nice improvement over the current FOV.

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Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Ashur Etil Lani.4518

Ashur Etil Lani.4518

Please let it not be a bug. I don’t care about pvp and would like a complete split between all pvp and pve. Give us a gw1 split so pve vcan be fun and pvp can be for people who like to feel though.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


Hope it’s not a bug. I can finally see.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Eltrow.6382


Hope its not a bug, finally i can enjoy the game, when you fix this i will stop playing until you take it back!

Edit: This zoom is great, but for pvp just a LITTLE bit to big, but not that much, shouldent be like before that for sure. You should still be able to enjoy the environment in pvp, and still be able to see more than the ground!

(edited by Eltrow.6382)

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Knote.2904


Would love to have 10-15% increase from default at the very least.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: krojack.4920


Pretty sure it’s a bug a dev stated before they wanted to keep it zoomed close so you would have to be more aware.

Yeah.. Sounds like the return of the “Play GW2 how you want to play as long as it’s how we want you to play.”

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: taomang.2183


They should keep this for PVE. Disable for PVP.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Gibbel.5734


Had the same problem .. happend to my after entering then leaving the new mad king instance

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Zoom distance as a game balance mechanic is borked anyway; asura players can’t zoom out nearly as far or even tilt their camera to face fully forward, whereas norn and charr players can zoom their camera a LOT further than even humans.

Allowing zoom out to a more significant distance would improve racial parity.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Damai.1947


I hope that’s a full scale test for a new camera, and i really hope it’ll stay.
Maybe adding a slider to tune it at will.
And for the argument of camera and game balance, we’ll be able to discuss it when everyone has the same screen, with the same settings, and the same hardware and controllers behind …

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ASB.4295


Yea, it’s a bug. It can be reproduced by experiencing content like boss battles and other areas were this kind of camera is needed. That obviously doesn’t include normal PvE play, just some special events and steps in the personal story line.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edge.4180


I hate it. If it’s going to stay in, then implement a “max zoom distance” slider so we can choose the range of our zooming. I prefer a smaller range and a higher sensitivity. I’d also like to have the normal default marked (as I want to go back to it).

Honestly, the current extreme zoom makes the game look worse graphically. That, however, is just my opinion. What isn’t an opinion is this: if its a bug, the longer you take to fix it, the more players are going to gripe when you finally get around to doing so.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Eltrow.6382


How can the game look worse with longer camera distance? U can finally see the amazing world as it should be, atleast if you max it out. Love it!

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: SameHH.1048


I love the zoom out!!

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Iruwen.3164


How can the game look worse with longer camera distance? U can finally see the amazing world as it should be, atleast if you max it out. Love it!

The LOD on distant objects is reduced to improve performance, but you simply don’t have to zoom out that far of course.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

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Posted by: Pihtt.4360


I need this zoom out in PvE & WvW.
Anet, you should bother about GUI of GW2.

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