Inventory window keeps resizing

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’ve recently changed the “Interface size” setting to small. Ever since, my inventory window will not “remember” how I left it. Multiple times per playing session, I find myself dragging it back into the right shape and size. It’s insufferable.

I’ve already deleted all files in the temp folder, which made me lose some settings, but not the problem.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Same here, it’s annoying.

I don’t think there’s anything we can do to stop it happening.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t know that changing the interface size has anything to do with it. It’s an old, old bug that resurfaces every so often; I have no idea why.

I have it, again, when I log into new character, mostly. I’m sure the Devs will fix it, when they can, just as they have every time in the past.

Good luck.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I know it as an old bug. I’ve had it happen incidentally when I used the regular size interface. Like, once every few months.

With the small interface size, it happens several times per hour. That setting was all I changed, initially. I tried to solve it by throwing away my temp files, so now a lot has been changed of course.

(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Yay, look who are is back… yes I’m talking about the issue :P

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ester Sauter

Ester Sauter

GW2 QA Lead


This is a bug that keeps popping up even though we keep fixing it. I’m trying to reproduce it with the small inventory and I’m not succeeding, is there anything else you can tell me? Are you changing zones a lot, are you selling thing from there, salvaging frequently? Any info you can give me will help me track this down (again).


Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


This is a bug that keeps popping up even though we keep fixing it. I’m trying to reproduce it with the small inventory and I’m not succeeding, is there anything else you can tell me? Are you changing zones a lot, are you selling thing from there, salvaging frequently? Any info you can give me will help me track this down (again).


Not sure if it still applies (since wallet was revamped something may have changed) but in the thread I posted above I described a few tests I did to try reproducing the issue, maybe it can give you some clue (I believe it’s around page 4 on that thread).

And yes, even in that own thread (or somewhere else) a dev said that they had been trying to fix it but it was hard to track the cause. Thanks for the efforts anyhow.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ester Sauter


Ester Sauter

GW2 QA Lead

Thank you, I’ll read the old thread. I’m not getting the issue but like we said before, this one is slippery. If you or anyone else can get it reliably please post the steps and we’ll try to track it down.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Thank you, I’ll read the old thread. I’m not getting the issue but like we said before, this one is slippery. If you or anyone else can get it reliably please post the steps and we’ll try to track it down.

No problem. Surely I try to do some tests when I have a change too, although I haven’t been afflicted by this issue so much as I was at the time of that thread.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TASagent.1308


To add a little information: When this bug happens to me, the inventory screen is usually 1 tile narrower than I last left it. This is most noticeable when you have your window set to 10 slots wide and all 20 slot bags, because it both adds the scroll bar and doesn’t end on an even number. This could be related to whatever bug causes the icon offset bug (which presents like it could be a rounding error). In that bug, two seemingly random adjacent rows (repeated every 10 rows) have their icon offset 1px down, and two seemingly random adjacent columns (repeated every 10 columns) have their icon offset 1px to the left.

Regarding OP’s bug, my UI window occasionally restores at 1 slot too few, and seems like it can be compounded over several iterations of whatever the trigger is. Trigger may be related to viewing the currency screen, or closing the inventory on the currency screen, etc. I haven’t reliably narrowed it down yet.

(edited by TASagent.1308)

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


Oh, this bug. My window was resizing every time I exited the game to desktop and came back in (i.e. stopped playing for the night and came back tommorrow). I gave up and stopped resizing it. I use the largest UI size because I run at 2560 FWIW.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halvorn.9831


I think for me this bug is more likely to pop up if I switch between characters who have a different number of inventory spaces, so the window gets autoresized. It is difficult to reproduce however.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

This is a bug that keeps popping up even though we keep fixing it. I’m trying to reproduce it with the small inventory and I’m not succeeding, is there anything else you can tell me? Are you changing zones a lot, are you selling thing from there, salvaging frequently? Any info you can give me will help me track this down (again).


When I log in, I have to stretch my inventory window so that I see all my stuff, it stays like that until I log out.

Then I have to do it again next time I log in.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I always keep my inventory window wide enough to have 10 slots in a row and high enough to display everything without needing a vertical scrollbar.

Lately, when it resizes, it always resizes itself to be both a little too narrow and just not tall enough. The one character that has it happen most frequently is my fractal runner. I do nothing other than fractals with her, usually all dailies. So, this character frequently zones between LA, the Mistlock Observatory and fractal instances. No other areas at all.

Not to brag, but another thing I’ve been doing that I never did before: I frequently open my bank with the fractal runner character, using a permanent bank access. I mention it because it’s also a window using inventory tiles, so it might relate to the issue.

It happened about half a dozen times already today. I’ll try keep track of what I’ve done prior to opening a faulty window and post that here.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LINKAZZATORE.8135


i have this issue mostly when selling items on tp when the first time i log in game after have closed it

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Alright, here’s an account of what I just did.

In LA, I went to a merchant. I opened its sell tab, my inventory window and a bank window. I salvaged some things, sold some things to the merchant and put some things on the tradepost by right clicking and selecting the “Sell at Trading Post” option. I took some things from the bank and put them in my 3rd bag.

At this point I closed all windows and took the WP next to the mystic forge. I bought some Philosopher’s Stones from Miyani and closed her window. I activated the mystic forge and used it, once. (I attuned an infused ring.)

I closed the mystic forge window and opened my inventory. Lo and behold, it had shrunk!

I hope this helps.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dhalis.8297


For me it happens when I log in. It’s 1 tile smaller then I had it when I logged out. It only happens on alts who have more than 1 20-slot bag (so anything beyond the starter backpack).

If you never heard that silence, it’s a godawfull sound…

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asgaeroth.6427


Thank you, I’ll read the old thread. I’m not getting the issue but like we said before, this one is slippery. If you or anyone else can get it reliably please post the steps and we’ll try to track it down.

I can repro an undesirable inventory resize 100%

Use a custom inventory size

Be in Windowed fullscreen with a desktop resolution of 1360×768

Have the right edge of the right edge of the inventory window within 10 pixels or less of the right edge of the screen

Relog or change zones.

The bag resizes itself under these circumstances every single time. I don’t see why the bag can’t keep the last set size no matter what you do with it, even if it’s half way dragged off screen. Why is there any self resize at all?

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I have a kinda similar problem:
I’m playing in window mode and my inventory (width: 10 items, height: 16 items) starts at the top menu icons and ends somewhere around my health bar / shortly before my skills. For some reason, it gets switched to 11 items a row after each new login. I guess it’s because my inventory “nearly” clips over the boundaries or something… but it’s kinda enervating. I don’t mind if that’s intended / can’t be changed, but it would still be nice if it could.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


This also happens when you change character

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Ok guys here is a thing. Firstly, it seems the game has a feature where it shrinks the inventory panel if it trespass certain boundaries (actually, getting close to screen edges or overlapping parts of the fixed UI), I could confirm it trough testing. A dev could confirm it if I’m wrong please.

Based on that, I made a few tests and reported it in the thread I mentioned above and I noticed the issue also can depend “where” the window is when closed.

So here is a thing that could help to track it: could any of you reporting it also mention where the window was when closed? Was it overlapping the “permanent” UI (chat panel, skill bar, mini map, achievement tracker, etc) somehow? Were it too close to screen edges? Also note that Inventory window boundaries can be wider than what it’s clearly visible. The screenshoots I did for my tests there shows that.

(edited by shadow.6174)

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I really wish this would be fixed sometime. It’s incredibly annoying. I keep the permanent stuff for my characters on the bottom of my inventory, and those are of course exactly the rows always disappearing.

Inventory window keeps resizing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrTree.4890


Thank you, I’ll read the old thread. I’m not getting the issue but like we said before, this one is slippery. If you or anyone else can get it reliably please post the steps and we’ll try to track it down.

Dear Sirs, dear Madam

I seem to have the same issue.
But I know when it started for me and am able to reproduce the issue :

After i bought the promotion containing some bl keys the inventory bag slots and bank tab expander it was 2000 gems i believe can’t recall the name.
Oh extra information that’s when i reached full unlocked bag slots on my main.

Whenever i restart gw2 or logout.
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and reselect my main
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and select a toon
It DOESN’T occur when i choose switch character and select atoon to just switch characters to my main again

This is all I could try on my account I geuss since it seems to occur when relogging.

Now that I’m typing it, it resembles a lot of issues I had (not so long ago) about settings resetting. This seemed to change after relogging to, might there be something similar?

Hope this helps you!
Plz keep us updated
Thanks in advance

Yours faithfully
Jef Loots

P.S. sorry if i made grammar or spelling mistakes English is not my native language