Invisible Rolling Snowboulder in JP

Invisible Rolling Snowboulder in JP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: woofie.5603


Basically every now and then, you see a snow boulder sitting stationary, but an invisible snow boulder will hit you and continually knock you back down the hill until you are dead.

The graphical part freezes but the hit box keeps moving and you cant see it.

I have the jumping puzzle down perfect, and I get it almost every time, but this has killed me at least 5 times in the last 15 minutes. btw if you try to wait for it to go by, you probably wasted enough time to ruin the run anyway, might as well die

Invisible Rolling Snowboulder in JP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CedarDog.9723


Sometimes the presents on the exploding presents platform are invisible too.

Invisible Rolling Snowboulder in JP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FrostyBou.5491


Yeah this invisible snowball has got me quite a few times now too… Getting me quite frustrated to get through only to die to something invidible.