(edited by Moderator)
Iron Marches: Hellion Forest Task, Defeat Bria Event [Merged]
I am in Hellion Forest. It seems the heart is near impossible because only one ghost recognizes his corpse and will run to it. The other ones I am able to talk to never get the line where you tell them to go to their corpse.
The shadow creatures are stuck on one of the loggers but wont kill him.
Several ghosts have spawned in the trees.
This area is in desperate need of cleaning up.
The heart at hellion forest in iron marches is practically in-completable. The spirits do not give the dialogue option to return to their bodies, the ones that probably do, have spawned halfway up a tree and you cannot converse with them. Also I could find one shadow logger and there was no way of interacting with him either. I’m certain this isn’t just me this has happened to…
Hello, I am currently experiencing similar problems as mentioned above. There doesn’t seem to be many spirits to begin with, some do not respond properly. Also, the event “Defend Bria” is also bugged and seems to have been so the past 2 days.
I can confirm the Hellion Forest Heart is still bugged. Two lost spirits had spawned in unreachable localities up a tree, and the Defend Bria DE is bugged so as to be unable to enter the house in which the DE is taking place.
I might also add that this was on Crystal Desert.
(edited by Kor.5983)
I can also confirmed that this heart is bugged. The “Ghosts” appear in trees and they don’t do anything when talked to. This is on Isle of Janthir.
This heart cannot be completed in any other fashion, please fix this asap.
HoD server get same problem on this map, Anet do something please
Half of the DE, which I noticed in Iron Marches were not working I’m afraid
-Escort events were “blocking” many times for half a minute, when the guy couldn’t decide wheather to move forward, or to wait some more time.
-In Mongers Sink’s event to train the devourers the “training kits” were impossible to pick up for a human (I saw Chars picking it up from the place it should be in, but I myself didnt even see the kit to be picked up…)
-On “Raid the Separatist Camp” I saw the event standing… above it. Camp was below the ground, but I was noticed anyway. When I joined (It toom me some searching…) there were just this 2 Charrs (Kennelmaster Warsnout or sth like this and his friend) standind in some empty underground tomb doing nothing. For a very long time…. Most probably something crashed in his event.
-Quest to Track Separatists and check Suspisious Trees and Bushes didn’t work as well. One Bush was shown as “Suspicious” with “Interact [F]” mark, but I couldnt interact.
Also, the other dog was barking at some innocent tree, which wasn’t even marked as “suspicious”.
All in all there were lots of dynamic events and quess around, but I felt like I couldn’t take part in at least 50% of them… :/
Can you check those events and quests, please?
This map is still bugged on the Emhry Bay server
Yeah. Completely broken that map.
Yes, it’s terribly buggy.
Issues in this map on Jade Quarry:
- Dynamic Event in the house at Hellion Forest to kill Bria – all 4 doors of the house are sealed shut so you can’t access the inside of the house at all. Impossible to complete because Bria is invulnerable through the wall (since she can’t reach you because she’s locked into the house and you’re locked out).
- Heart at Hellion Forest – disembodied spirits get stuck and won’t move towards their bodies. Have to drag other mobs over to the spirits to kill them to get them to reset.
- Heart at between Sunken Hall/Harvester’s Glade: Hounds are stuck, won’t return to their cages, so you can’t release them. Suspicious bushes/trees are not being marked/unable to be interacted with. You can use aoe on the suspicious trees to kill the enemies though regardless of the dogs – on the death of the first enemy the second (and third if there is one) enemy will finally drop out of the tree so you can actually target it. Ranger traps were useful (necro marks would work too) as you could lay them there and wait for the respawn – when they were triggered it was time to aoe.
- “Raid the Separatist Camp” is stuck, with 2 NPCs in the cavern below and no enemies/anything you can interact with down there.
- Skill point north of Lamprey Grottos – Zzzig is not in the cavern when you get there, even though his event is active. He keeps complaining in local chat about being sleepy – I suspect he’s glitched under the floor/into the wall and is finding that there’s not enough oxygen in the rock for him to breathe
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry
When is the next maintenance/update? Maybe that will fix the bugs?
I also had many issues on the Iron Marches map last night (Ferguson’s Crossing server). Apologies for the lack of specific names on some of this:
Several escort events had the NPCs standing in one place and nothing ever happening. Clearing a path through the area south of Lake Carnifex, escorting the guards along the Wall in the southeast, and at least one or two more. The only escort quest that was working was the trainer with four devourers.
I had the same issues with the Separatist search…hounds would run out to trees and stand there barking, but I couldn’t do anything with the tree.
Also, on the west side where you protect devourer nests from thieves, all of the queens were dead and didn’t respawn. (This made gathering eggs easier, but I was confused for a while when I couldn’t feed the queens, not realizing they were all dead.)
Finally, I’m not sure if this was a bug or an enrage timer of some sort…but I fought the fire elemental shaman at the north end of the map with 3-4 other players. We cleared out his Ember guards, got him down to less than 5% health, then he suddenly jumped back into the middle and respawned all the Embers at once, completely wiping us out in seconds. If that wasn’t a glitch, that’s pretty darn harsh.
I too have had several issues with this map, it is basically unplayable. I can’t complete any of the hearts, none of the Dynamic events works, they are there, they are active,but the NPCs are just either standing around or running around in circles.
Was really looking forward to complete this map last night, but it was unplayble. This is on Tarnished Coast server btw, and in my experience it has been like this for 2 days now. From what i have been told by the map chat and Lion’s Arch chat it has been like this for longer.
Yeah, this map is one big bug fest. I have more bugs to add. And I only explored like 10% of the map.
-Hellion Forest – Task quest (Fight life-stealing minions in hellion forest) is completely bugged. The NPCs do not interact with you in any way except the basic speech of how can I assist. There are NPCs up half way in the trees where you can not even talk to them. So without those NPCs this quest can not be completed.
-Hellion Forest – Boss Event (Bria) The boss is stuck in the house where you can not even touch her. The house is all closed off and the boss is inside and can not even be lured out because it is so deep inside. The event has been running for 5 days now and no one can complete it.
-Sunken Halls of the Clarrent – The event quest there is also bugged. The NPCs just look at each other then around and then back to each other. There are no mobs or waves and the quest has been open for 5 days running now as well.
Is there any eta on the fixes on these bugs so we can complete this map? It would be nice. I know there are other areas you guys are working on and appreciate all that it has been done so far.
Yeah, this map is one big bug fest. I have more bugs to add. And I only explored like 10% of the map.
-Hellion Forest – Task quest (Fight life-stealing minions in hellion forest) is completely bugged. The NPCs do not interact with you in any way except the basic speech of how can I assist. There are NPCs up half way in the trees where you can not even talk to them. So without those NPCs this quest can not be completed.
-Hellion Forest – Boss Event (Bria) The boss is stuck in the house where you can not even touch her. The house is all closed off and the boss is inside and can not even be lured out because it is so deep inside. The event has been running for 5 days now and no one can complete it.
I have also run into these bugs. Neither event appears to be completable.
Yeah I agree. There are many events that block progress. I won’t list those I found since everything has pretty much been covered.
What I would like ANet to do though as a TEMPORARY solution is to disable those dynamic events until they are repaired so that we can at least complete the hearts and buy from the heart/karma vendors.
Can you please do that ANet?
- Heart at between Sunken Hall/Harvester’s Glade: Hounds are stuck, won’t return to their cages, so you can’t release them. Suspicious bushes/trees are not being marked/unable to be interacted with. You can use aoe on the suspicious trees to kill the enemies though regardless of the dogs – on the death of the first enemy the second (and third if there is one) enemy will finally drop out of the tree so you can actually target it. Ranger traps were useful (necro marks would work too) as you could lay them there and wait for the respawn – when they were triggered it was time to aoe.
- “Raid the Separatist Camp” is stuck, with 2 NPCs in the cavern below and no enemies/anything you can interact with down there.
I experienced both of these problems and then gave up and left the zone.
The weird thing was that another player in the same heart area could see traps that the dogs were barking at that I and a guild mate couldn’t. I managed to find a couple of things the dogs saw, and tried following one particular dog around after I could activate something he found and that didn’t work. Are the dogs supposed to only find stuff for the person that released them? It seems like that’s what’s getting confused.
Oddly enough, I was in the zone to help a guild mate with reporting some botters, and the event that they were botting was working just fine :/ I don’t remember the name – it was the one where you kill the shamen near the Sleekfur encampment. We hung around a bit to spoil their scheme of purposely failing the event so they could get the rewards for both the failed event and the follow on. The mobs protecting the shamen did seem to spawn strangely in one big clump by the Southernmost shaman and stay there, so it was pretty easy to go North to South to take the shamen out.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
stilL not fixed
bugged on JQ as well. However there’s one logger alive, although I suspect he wont be for long.
Still bugged
And all I need is that heart to complete that area.
Such a great theme to be handled so poorly
I too have been having this issue with the ghostly spiders not spawning, as well as the “Defeat Bria” dynamic event not working. For me, Bria is stuck in the house. I play on the Ehmry Bay server as well.
GW 2 Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Area: Iron Marches (50-60) -> Hellion Forest
Task (heart): Fight Life-stealing Minions in Hellion Forest
Kill the ghostly spiders and shadow fiends attacking loggers.
Help lost spirits return to their bodies.
Problem description:
Task is not working, there are no ghostly spiders and shadow fiends.
Loggers are already dead on the ground or hanging in trees, because of this players are unable to complete this “heart task”.
Please investigate and try to resolve the problem as quick as possible, I know you’r doing ur best to keep the game nice and bug free
Kind Regards,
Just wanted to repeat that I’m having the same problem. This whole area (Hellion Forest) seems bugged to high hell.
The only way I was able to complete the quest is to lure spiders to a living logger I found, get him killed, and revive him… repeatedly -_-
ok thnx for the tip.. but its not fun i’ve this quest isnt working how it should be.
Ghostly spiders also spawned with the world event, so i’ve done this one to!
Thnx guys!
I am on Emhry Bay and can report that every bug above exists on my server and has since I come through this area almost 2 weeks ago. Why is no one looking at this?
Yeah, this map is one big bug fest. I have more bugs to add. And I only explored like 10% of the map.
-Hellion Forest – Task quest (Fight life-stealing minions in hellion forest) is completely bugged. The NPCs do not interact with you in any way except the basic speech of how can I assist. There are NPCs up half way in the trees where you can not even talk to them. So without those NPCs this quest can not be completed.
-Hellion Forest – Boss Event (Bria) The boss is stuck in the house where you can not even touch her. The house is all closed off and the boss is inside and can not even be lured out because it is so deep inside. The event has been running for 5 days now and no one can complete it.
Heart quests completely broken.
When they say ‘displaced spirits’ they really mean it!
Also, no ‘ghostly spiders’, just forest spiders and no demons of any sort.
Edit: found 1 demon spawning in a far corner, attacking 1 logger. None of the dead loggers could be ressed elsewhere
(edited by Tanqueray.4837)
Also saw this bug just now. Luckily one of the loggers wasnt bugged so I was able to wait for that one guy to keep getting killed and finished. But this whole zone is bugged pretty bad…actually quite a lot of the game is bugged
This is STILL BROKEN. Honestly, this level of game-blockage after 30 days is totally unacceptable.
I only found one dead logger, and a spirit that told me to wake up his body, but I couldn’t. Heart giver tells you to commune with them — can’t. Didn’t find any ghostly spiders or demons.
Same here. Nothing can be done to progress the Renown Heart. The nearby boss event also gets stuck, boss health bar is empty, boss mark on map but nothing there. Looks like everything around this small area are screwed up.
Both has been sent as in-game bug report. Something worried me is, I can hardly see those bugs reported through in-game get fixed unless they got a long thread on forum. Maybe there are just too many in-game bug reports that they are overlooked or they can’t bother for the time being. However, this is what exactly I saw in SWTOR and probably one of the reason it failed, so I hope they can keep their fixes updated. At least give us a known-issue list (I know it is going to be very very long), but at lease it lets us know they are aware and working on them. I hate to see exactly the same bugs happening on my alt a few weeks after reported them, but it is happening.
Yep, I have the same problem. I was on yesterday 9/29/12 when I first saw the problem, thought i’d give it time and check today to see if the problem was still there and it is so i reported in game.
I’m sure it will be fixed soon areanet has been doing a great job fixing things so far imo. Mostlikely just needs a server reset.
Server: Borlis Pass
just in case it’s only the one server.
Yeah, this map is one big bug fest. I have more bugs to add. And I only explored like 10% of the map.
-Hellion Forest – Task quest (Fight life-stealing minions in hellion forest) is completely bugged. The NPCs do not interact with you in any way except the basic speech of how can I assist. There are NPCs up half way in the trees where you can not even talk to them. So without those NPCs this quest can not be completed.
-Hellion Forest – Boss Event (Bria) The boss is stuck in the house where you can not even touch her. The house is all closed off and the boss is inside and can not even be lured out because it is so deep inside. The event has been running for 5 days now and no one can complete it.
These bugs are still happening on Crystal Desert server as of 10/1/12
Still bugged on Crystal Desert. No loggers get attacked the one spirit who has spawned is floating mid-air and cannot be interacted with. Sigh, that’s going to make map completion difficult.
its not bugged. the spirit only 1. what u have to do is.. defend the spirit. among the way.. u will face some ghostly spider. after the spirit back to his body of logger, let him die bite by the hounds. and it will restarted be a spirit. do it again.. escort the spirit.
Still bugged on Crystal Desert. Does nothing, not even the workaround mentioned about getting the spiders to kill the loggers work.
still bugged
Allmost all events in Iron Marshes are bugged, defending events mostly can be finished because NPC wont move. Boss events cant be finished because there is no boss on map even if game mark him on map.
Also heart in Hellion Forest wont work same like event in forest.
This may be bugged, but I think it is working as intended. Here us how to complete it.
1. Talk to a displaced spirit, they are down around the house.
2. Follow them to their body, you will be attacked by spirit spiders and such
3. Rez the body when the spirit rejoins with it.
4. repeat about 3 times and you are done.
This may be bugged, but I think it is working as intended. Here us how to complete it.
1. Talk to a displaced spirit, they are down around the house.
2. Follow them to their body, you will be attacked by spirit spiders and such
3. Rez the body when the spirit rejoins with it.
4. repeat about 3 times and you are done.
Yes, this is the intended means to complete.
What this bug report is about is that most of the spirits are NOT present on many servers. They get stuck inside of trees or below ground, simply aren’t spawned, or become non-interactible objects on the map, so as the week goes by the heart becomes nearly impossible to complete.
The world event in the area does spawn spiders, but that event also often gets stuck and cannot proceed.
Yes, this is the intended means to complete.
What this bug report is about is that most of the spirits are NOT present on many servers. They get stuck inside of trees or below ground, simply aren’t spawned, or become non-interactible objects on the map, so as the week goes by the heart becomes nearly impossible to complete.
The world event in the area does spawn spiders, but that event also often gets stuck and cannot proceed.
While that may be true, the OP’s bug report clearly stated that the spiders and fiends were not spawning not that the spirits were not spawning.
“Problem description:
Task is not working, there are no ghostly spiders and shadow fiends.
Loggers are already dead on the ground or hanging in trees, because of this players are unable to complete this “heart task”.”
same issue on Sanctum of Rall
On Piken Square there is one logger who runs through the dialogue to return his spirit to his body so by waiting for him to respawn I’m slowly managing to complete the heart. Event is still bugged though.
Edit: Spoke too soon. Just as I was about to finish the heart, he bugged and wouldn’t return to his body and the sole shadow fiend in the area won’t respawn either. sigh
And a lot of alts.
(edited by katattax.8970)
This event is still bugged no spirits appear, the 3 npcs can be spoken to, but they do nothinbg and no spiders spawn to attack them
defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops (another completely broken event, devourer sits there and does nothing)
the following events are broken in Iron Marches
Defeat Bria to rescue the captured cubs (event is complete broken. Bria at 0% and nothing reset)fight life stealing minions in hellion forest(being unable to finish bria even is also hindering lost spirits, with spirits being stuck in a tree 30 feet off the ground)
escort the iron shipment to cowlfang’s star(2 event npc’s unable/unwilling to move)
Broken or stopped on Fergussen’s Crossing, Bria is no where in sight, shadow/fear ward placed across the door