Is green text a bug or not?
While most of the bugs have been sorted through so far, there’s still two things that are bothering me. The loading screen, which has been shrunk down, and the fact that the text in the bubble above player’s heads is green when talking in /say and /party.
Neither of these things were in the patch notes, so I assume they were mistakes? I guess the loading screen isn’t so bad, but the new text color is much harder to see. Can we just get clarification on whether it’s a bug or if it’s intended?
I believe its intentional to show the difference between players speaking vs npcs talking. Dark blue would probably be easier to read than bright green.
I would like to back to the black colour text. Green color it’s a bit more complicated to read for my eyes.
I prefer npcs talking in green and players in black…
I would prefer a revert back to black text in the speech bubbles also. The green looks awful and is difficult to read.
The light green is hard to read for me as well. A darker green would be ok.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]