Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


This is quite crucial for me.
Flamethrower attack animations.

They seems bugged for Asura & Charr (haven’t tested on norn)
But they work on human & sylvari.

When you move forward as an asura while using attack button 1, they do not aim the flamethrower at the target, it goes to the side. Same goes if you move side ways.

It really annoys me because I dont get the feel that I am actually attacking the mob, even though I see the damage numbers. This is because of the way they hold the weapon/flamethrower, and I want to know if arenanet want to fix this or not, because if not I do not want to be engineer on anything else but Human/Sylvari.

Furthermore something else is bugging me, the visual flames travel distance are not accurate for the flames damage distance. This fault lies within the size of the race, and size is depending on the race you pick, but the actual damage range is not changing for obvious reasons. As an asura you see the mobs taking damage even though the visual flames do not hit the target, and as a Charr you see the visual flames obviously are roasting the target, but it takes no damage(miss spam), this is somewhat emerging breaking for me. The fix would be for flames being smaller for some races, and seem larger for smaller races. I believe the only race in which the flames visual distance and the damage distance is matching is for human and sylvari, as well as it seems they share flamethrower animations, they are also the only ones who actually hit their target.
This would be somewhat difficult to change I believe? But since all races got the same hitbox size, why cant flames visual size be so as well?
As a charr when in close combat with flamethrower the charr point the flamethrower down, so there is no flames because they are going down through the ground, this is of course due to his size, I believe same goes for a Norn. It looks silly that mob takes damage from flames which is not there. This would be harder to fix than the animations if flames were to bounce/follow the terrain, but a simple fix to the animation so they did not point the flamethrower down into the ground would fix it.

There is 3 complaints within this topic, and I’ve adressed all of them.
The only one that annoyes me the most is the one about Asura flamethrower, where flames goes to either the left or right side of the mob, but the mob is taking damage from invisible flames. You know what I mean if you read it, and if that ain’t enough go test yourself.

1 extra bug, which is for sure a bug. storyline spoiler alert
In the Vision of Orr where you walk with Therane or w/e his name is, and you see the vision about the Heroes that argues, and you need to talk to them. If you sit too long on the chat with them Therane starts to speak, and as he does so you cannot proceed with the quest, because you haven’t finished talking to the Heroes, so you need to exit the vision and start all over. I belive that is what caused it, since it triggered correctly next time I rushed it. Was able to speak with the Avatar of the Pale Tree to continue, wasn’t able to before.

But I really want to know if the attack animations with the Flamethrower is intended for Asura or not, because I picked asura due to the flaw about flames visual travel distance were off on Charr. But on Asura the flames are going on all sorts of directions. Only seems right on human, though I already got too many human characters >_>.. Intened or not?
If required I can record ingame footage of the issue.
1 more thing, make Attack1, auto-attack by default please, kinda annoying I have to do it every single time I switch to flamethrower kit.

(edited by zIRaX.5362)

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


Will you fix the animations or not? simple question that requires a simple answer.

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blarrg.8305


Maybe if you said please they’ll give you an answer. Manners cost nothing.

\m/ \m/

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Maybe if you said please they’ll give you an answer. Manners cost nothing.

You should not have to beg for a game you paid for to work correctly.

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


AhA….I discovered this very issue with my arrow animations for my Ranger. Does not matter which attack is used, if I am running forward or strafing, I see this happen ALL THE TIME.

Annoying but at least I see damage on my targets even if I seem to be aiming off to the side. Do wish they would fix it, but other bugs in the game I’ve seen really are worse.